is it just me or is it difficult/slugish to control FPS games in the DS? any tips on how to properly hold or control using the stylus?iamthe1ne
It's just you! I've played games that involve using the stylus to aim and the d pad to move. Games like Metroid Hunters, COD4, BIA, and Dementium control great. Hold the DS in your left hand and use one finger to shoot and the thumb to move. With your right hand hold the stylus and aim, and use your right hand pinky to help hold the DS Lite in your hand. This works just fine. You could also order a thumb strap from Nintendo's web site, like has been mentioned. I have that, but I have not used it in years.
It's not secret that the DS can be uncomfortable to hold while playing FPS titles, but you need to experiment until you find something comfortable. I personally like to sit with one leg raised so I can rest the console up against it while using my left hand to btoh hold the console straight and reach the buttons on the left side of the console. The right hand is obviously for the stylus. Anyway, it works well enough for me. Though after about an hour my hand can start to ache, but then you are recommended, regardless of what console you use, to take breaks from screens after every hour anyway.
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