Seeing as how Halo is my favorite gaming series of all time, I'd have to vote for sci-fi/regenerating health. But I enjoy stuff like Half-Life, Call of Duty, Left 4 Dead, Rainbow Six, Doom, FEAR, etc and they're all varying degrees of awesome.
I however, did enjoy Goldeneye on the N64, but Halo is a much better and far more significant game than either Goldeneye or Perfect Dark. I never rebooted Goldeneye to play it, but I've played through Halo 1's campaign 20 some times either alone or co-op and still play it on occasion today.
I haven't really played a good FPS on a Nintendo console since Perfect Dark. I do not consider Metroid Prime an FPS, it's more of an adventure game to me, and while it is one of the best game I've ever played, I just don't count it as an FPS. Still, I hope the Conduit is good. Almost every game I have for my Wii is awesome, I just don't have very many games on my Wii (as opposed to my 360), but I really hope that the Conduit is good, the Wii needs a good FPS, and while some people may say Metroid Prime, I've never really considered it an FPS.
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