Reviews, Oldest to Newest:
Famitsu: 8/8/7/8 aka. 31/40 aka. 77.5%
Official Nintendo Magazine: 88%
Gameplayer: 70%
Edge Magazine: 60%
Nintendo is famed for sprinkling around mechanics other developers would build entire games on, but here the effect is quite irritating ... Wario, a tilt-controlled spaceship, mine carts, flaming Wario - some appear for less than five seconds, while bombs and swing vines are regurgitated blandly throughout.Perhaps this is part of the Wario "joke", a parody of Mario's sublime pacing for a parody of the sublime Mario himself. Put it down to Wario's shambolic ways, however, and how do you explain the tiresome structure elsewhere that has you replaying levels to satisfy bonus criteria? Not losing health, collecting gold, killing one specific enemy - yes, they lenghten an otherwise SIX-HOUR GAME, but such nitpicking doesn't fit with the overall "ah, fuggetaboutit" ethos. That your only reward for doing so is a measly sound test is more galling. Whatever happened to the everything-but-the-kitchen-sink approach of WarioWare Twisted's 200-something bonus trinkets?
Shake is at its best when emulating the obnoxiousness and buffoonery of its hero. That it occasionally bows to his stupidity is an unexpected disappointment.Edge Magazine
Eurogamer: 70%
NGamer (UK): 74% (Graphics: 9, Audio: 6, Gameplay: 7, Innovation: 5)
Something of a step backwards for a franchise usually oozing creative oomph ... There are challenges and moments of occasional brilliance, but they're smothered in overall simplicity.NGamer
IGN AU: 83%
IGN: 84%
Nintendo la Rivista Ufficiale: 90%
Nintendo Power: 80%
G4 TV: 80%
GamePro: 80%
BGB: "have a try" (not "must buy")
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