First of all, I know that making this topic will in no way cause anyone to make this game, I just want to get my ideas out there. Second, someone may have already made a topic like this, and if so sorry for the repeat. Now, on to the idea.
Ever since I found out about how the wii-mote is motion sensitive, I've thought Nintendo (or some other developer) should make a more detailed sword-fighting game. I don't mean like Zelda, or Red Steel, or the sword-fighting mini-game in Warioware. I'd like to see a game in first-person which focuses on detailed sword-fighting, where you can use the wii-mote to make inticite attacks and parries. Basically, I want the attack and defense system to be more detailed, like real sword-fighting or fencing. The setting could be medievil, so the only ranged attacks would be arrows. You could carry a shield in your left hand, and use the nunchuck to maneuver it. It could be possible to use different weapons, like axes, bows, clubs, etc., but if this took away from the more technique-oriented battles, I would prefer to leave it out. I've got a bunch of other ideas for the game mechanics, but for now I just wanted to get the basic structure up and see what people thought.
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