Honestly the games that came out this year for the wii really disappointed me there were a couple good ones but not all that many imo. So I pretty much stuck with playing my 360 this year which I really enjoyed I become addicted to Cod4 and Assassin's creed. Imo 2 of the best games of the year i went a couple months thinking theres no way any other games this holiday season are gonna top these. Than Christmas came along and i got Super Mario Galaxy. I just finished it a few mins ago and wow... this is deffiantly my game of the year. The amount of variety in this game is amazing. They did absolutley everything right with this Mario.
Well thats my story. Super Mario galaxy has given me hope for the Wii and now im excited for Super Smash.=)
also... Is the planet you get for collecting all 120 stars worth it? i plan on getting these but im just wondering how cool it is.
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