Well there are many rumoured 3DS games, but these are some games that I think would fit great on the 3ds and nice to see.
Final Fantasy VI 3DS Remake
Yes it's a remake, but there are many reason's to remake Final Fantasy Vi specifically in 3D on the 3DS. First of all it's a huge Final Fantasy game and considered one of the best in the franchise, and second of all, Final Fantasy III and IV both saw DS remakes and Square Enix has said they wanted to make V and VI remakes and the 3DS would be an awesome introduction for Terra to go into the 3D RPG world. Also an inevitable Final Fantasy is confirmed to hit the 3DS so why not VI?
Deadspace 3DS
Now there is not much reason to think EA is interested in making a 3DS Deadspace despite the fact that Deadspace Extraction was made on the Wii earlier, which means they are willing to bring the franchise on Nintendo consoles. My main reason I want Deadspace is the actual gameplay and look of the game. The game is a horror game and Necromorphs popping out in 3D would make a true horror experience. Not only that but the inventory and menu's look meant for the 3D and Deadspace is just naturally a 3D game. Also if EA is willing to have Deadspace on the Iphone, why not make a 3DS title?
Nintendo vs Capcom
Now this game has already been rumoured and suggested, but I would really like to see the game in full motion. Now whether it used the vs. Engine or the Brawl engine it wouldn't matter because both fighting games are awesome and look great. Now the whole concept of Mario and Ryu teaming up or battling against eachother is just crazy, add Link, Megaman, Samus and other mascots and you got the best fighting game of the year, maybe of all time.
Call of Duty 3DS
Yes, I'm very tired of Call of Duty titles, but the one thing I do want to see on the 3DS is a zombie mode, or some sort of horde mode. Even if the game was like Resident Evil Mercenaries 3D or the Iphone game COD: Zombiesand just zombies in 3D that would be awesome. The 3DS's new analog stick and touchscreen combo might just be enough to make some pretty decent shooter games on the 3DS. Also this isn't unlikely either, N-Space the developers of the DS CODs had posted on their facebook page that they were making a title to release in fall on the 3DS and Activision had said they are very impressed by the 3DS hardware and who wouldn't to see Nazi Zombies hitting you in 3D?
Batman Arkham Asylum/City 3DS
There is no actual evidence besides aBatmangame is confirmed for 3DS, but this game would just be awesome on the 3DS. I've played Arkham Asylum in 3D, and it's fantastic,now the 3D on the 3DS would be perfect fordetective mode, and throwing a batarang would never be so sweet.The extra ability to judge distance wouldhelp a detective likeBatman and new puzzles could be made.Now it would beawesome to seeBatman Arkham City to hit the 3DS.It's unlikely since BatmanArkham Asylum was never on a portable andBatman Arkham City is not confirmed for3DS, but this isyet anothergamethat would just be awesome for the 3DS.
Now share your ideas. There's plenty of more titles I would also like to see come to the 3DS, but for now those are my top 5. Some are more likely then others, but I would like to see them all make it to Nintendo's handheld.
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