*sigh* im gettin a wii to accompany my ps3 .. im gettin a wii with Zelda:TP, Metriod Prime Corruption, Smash bros, mario galaxy - any other games you guyz recommend? cause those ive mentioned all got good ratings(acerage 9s) plus they look like fun games - is there anything i need to know before i get one, what types of games are on the Wii store or whatever its called, id appreciate more info ..thanks
Good choices. Also, get Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 the online is great. No More Heroes and Resident Evil 4: Wi edition are also fantastic. Mario Kart Wii is coming out at the end of the month.
The Wii Shop Channel has a lot of classic games from The NES, SNES, N64, Sega Genisis, Turbo-Grafix 16, Neo-Geo and the SMS. Also, a downloadable service called WiiWare is coming out and you will be able to download new games that are made from scratch.
sounds good, pick up a classic controller if you want to be able to play all the virtual console games and you don't have a gamecube controller. good game choices too, that should keep you satisfied for a good amount of time. also pick up some component cables if you have an HD tv. It helps alot.
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