Starting to regret the whole Wii thing. The problem is the games suck and the system is overall pretty weak. The wiimote is the only saving grace.
Resident Evil 4 highest rated game...I played it on my PC 2 years ago.
Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles...A rails shooter...are you kidding me? Booooring unless you get that into the RE mythos and want to know more of the story, which I understand.
Legend of Zelda for the GC was a much better game and looked gorgeous and original in all it's cell-shaded glory. I'll blame the fanboys for this one for threatening suicide enmasse unless the graphics went back to same ol' same ol' like every other game.
Metroid 3 is not a next-generation game. Fire it up next to the the first GC title and yes, there are more polygons. But don't give this 'impressive visuals' the Wii can handle when I just finished playing BioShock on my PC. Those are impressive visuals.
The strongest point of the Wii is arguable playing with friends...Then why are we still stuck on Wii Sports? Because you guys can't make a good party game anymore to save your lives...Quality Assurance used to mean something at Nintendo...Now they let half-baked releases like Carnival Games or Brunswick Bowling destroy the only thing that is good about the Wii, the controls. Seriously, how do you screw up a bowling game so bad when the Wii Sports bowling is as great as it is?
The most depressing thing is I look down the pipeline and there is nothing outside of Super Mario Galaxy (which I already have on pre-order) I'm sick of seeing XBox 360 and PS3 release new franchises and lock up third-party developers. Nintendo for it's part created a false sense of demand for the Wii by severely limiting the hardware...I couldn't get my hands on a Wii until June and had been looking since launch. Ridiculous stock-holder demand is screwing this company into worrying about their financial quarters instead of doing what made the GC, SuperNes, NES oh so damn good and that is the games.
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