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REALLY seems like a fanboy rant.Cesar_Barba
REALLY seems like an assumption and unwarranted insult.
My gripe is with the hardware itself, or more specifically the fact that 95% of Wii games don't push it or fully utilize it's resources to their fullest potential. I am not expecting to see the same high definition textures and graphics I see when playing my PS3, but in my honest opinion only about 5 to maybe 10% of Wii games even look remotely visually appealing.bmorrow1
You're right, but this is true for both the Wii and PS3 (though likely for different reasons.) PS3 games haven't begun to really harness the power of the system, neither have Wii games. There's a lot of untapped potential, and it's common for games to look quite a bit better near the end of a console's lifespan than at the beginning, even though it's the same hardware. It didn't help that Nintendo has been keeping devs rather in the dark about tech. Like all other consoles though, the games on Wii will start being more graphically impressive. One to watch out for is The Conduit. High Voltage seems to be really trying to push the hardware and it will be interesting to see the results.
for the past few days I have been playing a copy of Oddworld Abe's Exodus (that I picked up off Amazon) on my PS2 and it honestly looks better than most Wii games. Bare in mind this is a 10 year old game released on the original Playstation, so for me to say it looks better than games released on a current console (two generations later) says a lot about the lack of quality in Wii games. Yes, Abe's Exodus is a 2D platformer so the developers didn't have to deal with creating content in the 3rd dimension, but the quality of the textures, lighting, cut scenes blow away most of what I see in Wii games.bmorrow1
First, I have to say, great taste! Oddworld is a great, really offbeat platformer. But the 2D environments can look better than 3D ones because they are pre-rendered backgrounds. It's basically like taking a photo and slapping it in the background. The downside is you can't interact with it, but the upside is that it looks far better than what the hardware would be able to render real-time. I mean, we could go back to the Sega CD and say "Look! Photo-realistic games! Soooo much better than anything new gen!"
you'll be seeing a lot more graphically outstanding titles coming from 2009 onwards. A few to look out for in definitely The Conduit, MadWorld, Rune Factory: Frontier, Fragile, Mamurasa, House of The Dead: Overkill, Sadness, Disaster: Day of Crisis and Death Mountain. Maybe Rygar and Tenchu 4 as well but we'll see in the near future. Those will really push the Wii's hardware and even more are probably in development but just not spoken of yet.livinitup01
Disaster: Day of Crisis really doesn't look like it's going to impress graphically. It appears rather lacklustre to me. I'm really not sure we'll be impressed by House of the Dead, Sadness, or Death Mountain. We don't know that much about them. Maybe I'm crazy, but Mushroom Men looks pretty great to me. The environments are so large. Could be good.
First, let me say Cesar_Barba I'm about as far from a fanboy as you can get (I own 39 Wii games). I've been gaming since the early 80's when I had a Colecovision and have had just about every Nintendo system since the NES. Sorry about the lack of paragraphs, but when I was throwing my fanboy rant together I hit the spell check button and my PC threw up and posted the unformatted thread.
Clicketyclick, I agree with with you totally the Oddworld games are truely great games! I realize the games will get more graphically appealing and polished with time, but let's be honest its still pretty sad that an original Playstation (roughly middle its life cycle) game can be on par with most of the better looking games on the Wii. I've got my eye on The Conduit because the devs really seem determined to show everyone that the Wii is underutilized and capable of so much more. Hopefully it won't end up being a let down, and hopefully their attention to detail will rub off on the rest of the third party developers.
If devs are having a hard time getting the most out of 3D games on the Wii, then why not go back to their roots and put together a few 2D platformers? I know first person shooters and third person games are the rage these days, but there are probably a lot old schoolers like myself who would kill for an awesome 2D platformer that really looks amazing. I guess Wario Shake It will have to hold me over until the 2009 games arrive.
[QUOTE="Cesar_Barba"]REALLY seems like a fanboy rant.clicketyclick
REALLY seems like an assumption and unwarranted insult.
OK, point taken on it being an assumption, but hardly an insult. I may have read things wrong and misunderstood.To the TC, I do apologize for that.OK, point taken on it being an assumption, but hardly an insult. I may have read things wrong and misunderstood.To the TC, I do apologize for that.Cesar_Barba
:P To me, and I think many others, "fanboy" is an insulting word that's thrown around far too casually. Either GameSpot or IGN was commenting on that in a recent podcast, actually.
its still pretty sad that an original Playstation (roughly middle its life cycle) game can be on par with most of the better looking games on the Wii.bmorrow1
Ya, but as I was trying to say, the parts of Oddworld that look so fantastic are pre-rendered. It's as unfair as comparing the backgrounds of Super Smash Bros Brawl to other Wii games. They're wallpapers made to look 3D, not true, interactive environments.
If devs are having a hard time getting the most out of 3D games on the Wii, then why not go back to their roots and put together a few 2D platformers? I know first person shooters and third person games are the rage these days, but there are probably a lot old schoolers like myself who would kill for an awesome 2D platformer that really looks amazing. I guess Wario Shake It will have to hold me over until the 2009 games arrive.bmorrow1
I'm not too impressed with the marks that Wario Land is getting. But have you checked out LostWinds? Following Megaman 9? Bionic Commando Rearmed should really have come to Wii too. :( It's okay. Oboro Muramasa Youtouden is an upcoming side-scroller for Wii - we'll hear more about it at TGS. World of Goo is also, erm, some kind of awesome 2D something. The Wii also appears to be getting Illvelo, a 2D top-scrolling shooter.
[QUOTE="livinitup01"]you'll be seeing a lot more graphically outstanding titles coming from 2009 onwards. A few to look out for in definitely The Conduit, MadWorld, Rune Factory: Frontier, Fragile, Mamurasa, House of The Dead: Overkill, Sadness, Disaster: Day of Crisis and Death Mountain. Maybe Rygar and Tenchu 4 as well but we'll see in the near future. Those will really push the Wii's hardware and even more are probably in development but just not spoken of yet.clicketyclick
Disaster: Day of Crisis really doesn't look like it's going to impress graphically. It appears rather lacklustre to me. I'm really not sure we'll be impressed by House of the Dead, Sadness, or Death Mountain. We don't know that much about them. Maybe I'm crazy, but Mushroom Men looks pretty great to me. The environments are so large. Could be good.
So quick to judge aren't we? Sadness has been underway for a while now so we have no idea what it will look like. Last I heard they had an enhanced game engine made just for that game. We haven't seen in-game pics for Death Mountain either so we can't judge on that. We did have a video and the views in the game looked amazing. I'm just really for the game cuz it was announced on my birthday :) .
Disaster is only being released in Europe for now, they may change a few things on it depending on how well it's received. Maybe, maybe not. How does it look lackluster? That game's actually pretty diverse so you can't really judge Disaster by a few screenshots. It may just look that way because of the low-quality of the screen capturing device used during gameplay. It'll probably look better once it's on your TV though. Maybe you're crazy. Mushroom Men looks worse than Disaster and it has so much waggle. It's not a terrible game but it needs more work IMO.
a couple of reasons why
1.) all developers thought the wii was going to suck before it relased so they were only haveing their 3rd or 4th (not top) team working on wii games. So when wii comes out we get crap
2.) once the developers saw the booming success they were like oh @!%# we screwed up lets hurry up and make "good games" they either rush these games or give us ports, and we end up with more crap
3.) now developers are finally working hard on the wii to make visually appealing games. So expect to see alot nicer looking games in 09
um is it just me or is this a fanboy s rant hes complaint about graphics being last gen lol, rigght there when he said "the fact that 95 percent of all wii games doesnt push or fully utilize its fullest potentail , and he conpared wii to a 2d game lol for the playstation ? nintendo 64 any one ,
this is the real truth behind this gens hardware
ps3 and 360 focus on graphics and online support leaving out split screen multiplayer from most of its games where as
wiis is all around updated upon its prodecessor,
2 x more powerful then a nintendo gamecube key word nintendo gamecube
also it has a whole new control scheme with some games using the option to use the classic controller or gc contrioller (ps3 has it but hardly ever uses it 360 doesnt have it period) theres where nintendoi competed by
they have finally got online going first home console from nintendo to have online and its totally free of charge
slow start but hey you gotta start somewhere , and why people complain about free services lol microsft charges 50 a year to play on its service sonys well its line up isnt that great to say anythin yet mgs 4 and resistance (exclusively)
how much is the wii 249,99 that nets you everything you need to just start
360 60/20 gb version are now 299.99 40 dollars more but theres still a catch to equal what wii has you gotta add a 99 $ network adapter 9.99 (the cheapest 360 game perfect dark zero ) that will make it cost 410 that doesnt include tax
ps3 same here but is better then the 360 deal , if you can handle the lineup that is also go hunt a 60 or bc enabled 80 gb ps3 or you wont get what you payed for,
but righ now brand new ps3 = 80 gb bc less fine if you got a ps2 but thouse who dont well im assuming many have so ya for get what i said about hunting a 60 gb unit unless you dont wanna un hook and rehook, but any how ps3 cost 399.99
20 more gigs then a 60 gb 360 and comes with free online wireless out of the box like the wii ,
not that any of the 3 are bad you gotta look at whats a more better deal if you didnt have the money or wanna have extra to spend on games, also , which console should be your main and your secondary if you choose heck if youd get all 3 you wouldne need to complain lol
my opinion all 3 have improved over their prodecessor cconsoles,
nintendo does not aim to improve the playstations or the xboxs that is microsoft and sonys job respectively not to say they aint competitive,
they are and sales alone prove it,
you dont need flashy graphics to have good games and a sellin console sony and nintendo already know this microsoft well as a matter of fact they never been the top of the console at consoles end, so they have no clue
360s sales were a fluke only because it was the first console out , after wii came and ps3 came , the sales plummeted ,
same can be said for ps2 ,, but the only difference is ps2 or sony was rather good 2 gens ago and last gen , and already had an awsome line up of games , nintendo tried its hardest as did microsoft ,, and guess what microft only had 3 thousand more units sold over gamecube , that was bc xbox was new and every one of the 24 million wanted to try,
including me , good 3rd console none the less which is why i still bought the 3 main consoles,
but for most many never though nintendo would do so well this generation also they didnt think sony would just slowly sell ps3s lol
ms has been in line with 360 but that isnt enough to stop nintendo as we all know it has 40 million predicted by yrs end,
already has 30 mill, or close to it
and ps3 has been gaining enough to out sell 360 on a month to month bases as of this year ,
hence the 360 price cuts, much like the gc price cuts
dont even bother with the arcade versions that should only serve as a ok replacment as there is no need to spend the extra hundred on somthing you already had,
dont worry about an elite, 60 gb is far enough for any one then they can get the 120 gb later
same for ps3,
all in all you need to find a better reason to complain or better yet dont complain at all ,
nintendo did not tell you they were gonna do hd graphics then do this they spacifically told every one not to expect hd graphics from the then called revolution,
nor did they promise a fast online service startup , all they promised was new control scheme, and online support, and they also warned us and said third party would have to decide to add wifi connect to their games like some have done, since pokemon there has been
medal of honor heroes 2
mx vs atv untamed
nba live
guitar hero 3
fire emblem
mariokart wii
super smash bros
dr mario online rx wii ware
uknown is the upcoming games
the known ones are
wwe smack down vs raw 09
and the condult,
rumored = red steel 2
from nintendo = animal crossing and voice chat for the first time this can mean good news in the long run once third party gets their act together which has already been happening
call of duty 5 world at war hopfully will support wifi ,
timesplitters 4 should , for being that late on the wii ,
amung others,
and the cost to buy wii games well is rather great,
i can tell you almost all of my purchases on wii are from 3rd party excluding vc and wii ware,
and the only one i regret is alien syndron
indianapolis only has one drawback no darn caution flags , its graphics are actually pretty good comparable to nfs most wanted,
the crash dynamics are in line with burn out revenge, youll notice it in the 2nd challenge where it has you avoiding burning wrecks
and trust me wii has yet to die,
its got along time to live, its only been close to 2 yrs ,
xbox 360 considering it is supposed to be a realistic looking machine
many of its games are questionalble whether or not it lives up to that , few have been like cod4 pgr 4 forza 2 , and condemend 2 but many havent been as real looking as anticipating, not that they didnt improve on their prodecessors mind you,
gta iv-looks like the 2006 xbox 360 exclusive saints row with driver parallel lines crash modeling
dead rising
halo 3
ridge racer
fear and fear files, these look good but not on par with some of the microsoft titles, or other titles like nascar 09 /08
SAME FOR PS3, its hyped blu ray does nt mean youll get quanity , lol
many ps2 disc werent filled with content instead most of it is devoted to bs like vids of other titles or developer info and such
san andreas timesplitters series gta series and all other driving games have had quanity of content as well as the usual graphic refinments , but fpses like unreal tournament judge dreed nightfire agentunder fire etc lack in comparision to games like perfect dark 64 which is on a limited spaced cartridge odd lol ,
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