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-Godfather on the wii cant be compared to the ps2 version. More mission, and a few other upgrades. In adition the wii control for this game is great.
- Resident Evil 4 is a must have but you already have it
- Metroid Prime 3 is fun
- Same for Zelda TP, Warioware, Mario striker and super paper mario
- Resident Evil UC will be nice
- Same for Mario galaxy, SSBB, Bwii, Fire emblem (if you like the serie), Medal of Honor Heroes 2 and Manhunt 2 (if you have a sick mind)
- A few VC titles are really fun: most mario titles, especially Paper Mario and super mario world and a few genesis/turbograph games.
[QUOTE="Sants412"]Super Paper Mario.Lto_thaG
Hate Red Steel, Scarface annoyed me(I MUST KILL PEDESTRIANS!). I am way to hard to please...:(
-Godfather on the wii cant be compared to the ps2 version. More mission, and a few other upgrades. In adition the wii control for this game is great.
- Resident Evil 4 is a must have but you already have it
- Metroid Prime 3 is fun
- Same for Zelda TP, Warioware, Mario striker and super paper mario
- Resident Evil UC will be nice
- Same for Mario galaxy, SSBB, Bwii, Fire emblem (if you like the serie), Medal of Honor Heroes 2 and Manhunt 2 (if you have a sick mind)
- A few VC titles are really fun: most mario titles, especially Paper Mario and super mario world and a few genesis/turbograph games.
I would so buy Manhunt if it wasn't banned here. Well I have a lot of ideas, so I'm feeling more optimistic, thanks guys.
[QUOTE="Lto_thaG"][QUOTE="Sants412"]Super Paper Mario.AaronLMM
Hate Red Steel, Scarface annoyed me(I MUST KILL PEDESTRIANS!). I am way to hard to please...:(
Uh, ok. I'll give it a go. Thanks.AaronLMMtry virtual consle best way to get some fun also try mk wii
and mario strikers and if you like sim games there my sims
[QUOTE="Lto_thaG"]Metroid prime 3,the godfather : blackhand edition,legend of zelda: tp...AaronLMM
Had Zelda before, Metroid isn't out in UK, Godfather sucked on PS2. :( God I'm so depressed. Good try though
Super Paper Mario... I'm from Europe too so i couldn't get metroid either, but SPM is a great game and a must buy.
[QUOTE="Death_Razor"]-Godfather on the wii cant be compared to the ps2 version. More mission, and a few other upgrades. In adition the wii control for this game is great.
- Resident Evil 4 is a must have but you already have it
- Metroid Prime 3 is fun
- Same for Zelda TP, Warioware, Mario striker and super paper mario
- Resident Evil UC will be nice
- Same for Mario galaxy, SSBB, Bwii, Fire emblem (if you like the serie), Medal of Honor Heroes 2 and Manhunt 2 (if you have a sick mind)
- A few VC titles are really fun: most mario titles, especially Paper Mario and super mario world and a few genesis/turbograph games.
I would so buy Manhunt if it wasn't banned here. Well I have a lot of ideas, so I'm feeling more optimistic, thanks guys.
i guess... I am really easy to please... bc if you check my wish/track list i ahve more games there taht teh oens i can afford :lol:
Zack and wiki
Galaxy (maybe)
Super Paper Mario
Star Wars Complete saga
Battalion wars 2
Dragon Blade
No More Heroes
and those are just teh ones i remember now and that i know have release ddate :lol:
Hope you find your Wii gaming spark :)
If you don't like your Wii, now is the time to get rid of it. Don't wait until they become easy to pick up, because the value of a used Wii will take a nosedive.aransom
Actually, now could possibly be the worst time to sell your wii. With games like SMG, SSBB, and Mario Kart coming out soon, wiis will be selling out everywhere. I say either wait to get those games or if you don't like any of them, sell it right around that time.
I would so buy Manhunt if it wasn't banned here. Well I have a lot of ideas, so I'm feeling more optimistic, thanks guys.
UK wiis are coded as PAL right? if so you can buy one online from france or any other PAL country.
yeah i dont play my wii so much now...
i have :
- Wiiplay
-Super paper mario
- wii sports ( obvious )
I hope metroid can save me from this situation.
Go. Play. RE4. Now.
EDIT: this goes to dhyhalut as well. And to anyone who's complaining about the wii withoud having played this first.
In the lull of games for the Wii I found that GC really had some great games for it, there just weren't enough to merit buying a whole system for them. Metroid Prime 1 & 2, F-Zero GX, to name a couple. The VC has been a great way to relive the good old days too. I actually had someone ask me what games I would buy for the Wii and I actually started naming off GC and VC games. The wii will catch up though with the game library in time though.raahsnavj
True, the last game I bought was Viewtiful Joe 2 on the NGC and the 2 next game I'm buying are paper mario and super mario world.
scarface is a great game for wiiNSR34GTR
really? it got a really really bad review... i tend no to care about that (i got bug island) but i though this time they were right
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