i dont like any of the new pokemon in d/p. they are still good games, but its just stupid how many pokemon there are now. 493 i think it was? thats freaking ridiculous. and what up with the crap load of legendaries.
r/b/y - 3 legendary birds, mewtwo, mew. thats it. 5 poke's perfect.
g/s/c - 3 legendary dog/cats, ho-oh, lugia, celebi. 6 pokemon. thats ok.
r/s/e - 3 regi things, groudon, kyogre, latios, latias, rayquaza, deoxys, jirachi. now wtf, thats 10 legendaries. double the original amount.
and now d/p - theres the 3 jellyfish things, the 2 pokemon on the front covers, giratina, manaphy, the grass hedgehog, the new regi, lava guy, the weird one made of discs, darkrai AND arceus. 13 legendaries.
they should really just focus on more gameplay elements or something instead of adding another 100 or so in each new game (like proper one, not spin-offs like mystery dungeon and ranger).
There is also phione not sure if you described him but if you didn't that make 14. They need to add 100 to each new game that's the main factor of why people keep coming back.
They do refresh the series, G/S had night and day, and traveling back in forth. Crystal has girl. R/S have secret bases, new environments, traveling underwater, pokemon contests. Emerald has the battle frontier.
D/P has 2.5D graphics, new environements (snow), brings back the day/night system, pokemon have differences in gender, touch screen things.
They can't change the formula completely but it has evolved quite a bit over the generations.
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