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i made the mistake of getting my girlfriend a ds lite, whilst istill have the oldschool silver block.
My girlfriend is crazy about it and she wont stop asking me to buy her Zelda PH, (even though she is trying to stop me getting gears of war for the pc this next week!) Crazy woman... :)
My girlfriend beat Phoenix Wright before I did. She even has her own DS.
I'll still murder her at SF 3rd Strike though...
My girlfriend plays my DS and Wii, not to mention the Xbox, too. And when Spore comes out, she'll be over here even more, not that i'm complaining.:Pbluezy
Spore! My husband and I can not wait! It'll be the both of us playing hooky from work to get more time to play it. Gotta get two copies, else we'll fight over it.
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There are a lot more girls playing video games, which is pretty cool. I need some friends that are girls who plays games. Ivery muchdislikethe fashion-and-makeup girls.
My girlfriend plays my ds sometimes, mostly mario kart. She loves yoshis island for the gameboy. I'm trying to teach her how to play halo but she acts like its so hard to move and look with two different sticks. Getting better, not spinning and shooting every where any more lol.killking
Maybe it would be easier for her if she inverts the controls...I have to..My bf doesnt know why I cant play the other way but I just cant
Wow, I didn't realize that being a "Girlfriend Gamer" was such a great attribute lol! Thisthread is great! As I said earlier I have my own DS which I play all the time and my Boyfriend has a wii which we both play faithfully. I have two friends who both have DS Lites that they play all the time which I'm sure their boyfriends appreciate as well, seeing as they are always trying to play them.
I am a girl (if you didnt realise), I've played lots of games since i was youngercause my older brother got me into them. I dont think any of my friends play games much, one has a Wii but shes crapppp at it. I kinda suck at shooter games like counterstrike, but like someone earlier posted I also like PC games like The Sims 2& I played Age of empires when I was a kid so I like that game. I love the DS although the graphics suck, I wanna get a PSP. I'm really into DS games like Animal Crossing, Lost in Blue, Elite Beat Agents, Brain Training, Mario Kart (Look at my collection, I spent about 2 hours adding all those games :x) Most of my guy friends don't like DS and Wii, they're more into 360 & PS3 multiplayer console games like racing and GTA - which I love :D
My girlfriend plays my ds sometimes, mostly mario kart. She loves yoshis island for the gameboy. I'm trying to teach her how to play halo but she acts like its so hard to move and look with two different sticks. Getting better, not spinning and shooting every where any more lol.killking
Wow, my gf made the same excuse and actually WANTED to play Halo 3 to see what all the hype was about. Shes getting better. Sadly, after that session I turned on my 360 only to get the red ring of death. Im not a superstitious person but IDK bout that one, lol. Just kidding!
I'm also a girlfriend ;) and in our house I'm the owner of both the DS and the Wii. The PC is his though, but I'm the only one that uses it for gaming. My boyfriend is not as much into gaming as I am, there are only a few games that he actually plays (and finishes!), like the Ratchet & Clank games for PS2 and Okami. On the DS he only plays BrainTraining (aka BrainAge) and BigBrain Academy, but on the Wii I've actually gotten him to try Paper Mario and he really likes it ;)
I'm still thinking about getting him a DSLite as well..
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