So now we are in this financial crisis, the majority of people are going for cheap things. The situtaion is getting worst by the week, in a few months many will be obligated to forget about luxury and focus on the needs. there is talk now that this will continue for a long time!!! YIKES!!
I ask myself, did ninty see this coming.
MY reasons
1) The wii did not go HD. alotta people today cannot afford HD tv's I(me included). and im not talking USA only, but the rest of the world. HD is luxury.
2) HD machine is more expensive to make. Ninty made the wii non hd, making it a cheaper alternative (dont talk to me bout xbox arcade - rubbish!!)
3) They stuck with dvd and not blue ray. Today blue ray is a luxury.PERIOD!!
So yeah imho its like they new it was coming and are now reaping the rewards.
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