Now, if you didn't know already, Infinity Ward is hard at work on the sequel to COD4, currently called Call of Duty Modern Warefare 2 because Call of Duty 4 Modern Warefare 2 sounds weird and confusing. It technically is COD6, but it is most likely not going to be called that. Anyways, so this followup to COD4 is coming in 2009, according to various sources, but what about a Wii/DS version? COD4 was on the DS, and COD WAW was on the Wii. We know it will be on Ps3/360, but the question remains again, wether COD: MW2 will be on the Wii/DS. GoNintnedo thinks so, claiming that the release will fall sometime in Q4 2009 since Activision Blizzard revealed the time-frame recently.
What is your opinion?
My opinion is it will most likely come to Wii, and quite possibly to DS.
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