And 3 games : Nintendo Land duh ZombiU Mario Wii U My impression so far ; ZombiU, Awesome exclusive game. I dont know why all the negative around the combat system and the graphic. The combat system is spot on. Zombi should be hard to kill with melee waepon. Im watching the walking dead series on tv and zombis are hard to kill with melee weapon same in the game. Ubisoft got it right with the combat system in the game. Graphic are also nice im my opinion. Love the textures and everything, exploration etc... 9/10 Mario Wii U, Its Mario in HD, horray !! 8/10 Nintendo Land, Didnt play it yet. Finnaly, gamepad + gaming = awesome. Good job nintendo. Very happy with my wii u so far :D now waiting for rayman ledgends demo. /back to ZombiU.
Grats bro. I recently picked up Mario and my missus and I am having a blast playing two player mode. Nintendo land is great also. Last night she played Mario while I watched Stormship troopers on tv, loving the system.
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