I loved the first game, and beat it on release.
When MP2 came out, I also bought a month or so afterwards, and began to enjoy it. Soon after, RE4 came out and I stopped playing the game entirely, when I returned, I was hopelessly lost and gave up.
Now, I'm replaying the game with the desire to complete it. I didn't get very far my first time; I'm also playing Super Metroid as well.
I don't know what it is, but this game isn't fun to me. The environments are less interesting, the Dark World sucks, the key hunting is tedious, the game is much more vauge and hard to get around in, it feels like I'm replaying MP1 too much, etc...
Well, I just beat the Sanctuary Fortress, and beat the final temple. I also have all of the upgrades, aside from the light suit, and over 80% scans. I'm almost there! :D
Then, upon meeting with U-Mos once again, he tells me there is one temple left. To reach it, I need to find NINE keys spread througout the ENTIRE GAME WORLD. When I read this, I let out a seriously loud moan. I don't even know where to look, I don't even want to. I've wasted so much time already, I can't stop now.
What a disappointment.
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