Not one of you has even mentioned economics in this thread - strangely.
Very quickly I played and finished Half Life 2 on the XBox no problems playing it there, so no problems playing it on the Wii.
Half Life 3 would no doubt push the envelope far beyond that of HL2, however, those money men who finance the developement of a game are going to say:
"Hey you know what that Nintendo Wii has sold gazillions more than those other two consoles. Hell, those guys at Nintendo are making like 2.3 million of them a month now. And I head there's about 25million of them there Wiis sold world-wide now*!! So we sell HL3 to even 1/10th of those customers and we've sold 2.3million units and hey everyone will want to play HL3 so I reckon we need a Wii version!"
And that ladies and gentleman is why Half Life 3 is a likely hood on the Wii because men with money want to make more money and you don't discount 25million possible sales because someone post on a forum that it wouldn't be possible to do on the Wii!
* Sales figures found here:
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