Yeah that makes sense, Nintendo should pay you to buy other developer's games
Oh wait, it doesn't
Please explain why Nintendo should waste it's time rewarding you for buying other games?
When you buy something from Capcom does EA send you a sticker?
Considering that Clover (now platinumGames) is about the only dev group still taking the wii seriously as an avenue for hardcore games for hardcore players, and that Club Nintendo is supposed to be made for "hardcore supporters" of Nintendo product, I don't see how they can't work something out for the reward system.You're serious?
You want one company to pay for you buying another company's product?
This is a situation you run into often? Buy a Jeep then wonder why Ford hasn't sent you a license plate holder?
You don't think before you type, do you? Nintendo already offers Club Nintendo points for 3rd party games in Japan. Your examples of Jeep/Ford and Capcom/EA are misguided. When you buy a Capcom game on Wii, EA makes no money off it so you're right to suggest giving away rewards would be stupid if EA did it, but it is VERY different for Nintendo. When you but ANY third party game on ANY platform, the platform holder (in the Wii and DS' case, Nintendo) get a share of the money, usually $10. So when you buy an EA or Capcom game on Wii or DS, Nintendo is profiting. Points for 3rd party games would also encourage consumers to buy a Wii or DS version of a game rather than a version on a competitor's platform. It makes all kinds of business sense to extended Club Nintendo to third parties.
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