i don't know if i should buy this game because some sites give it a good score and others give it a bad score. what do you think should i or shouldn't i? off topic how do you get a sign on when you post a comment? thanks!
i don't know if i should buy this game because some sites give it a good score and others give it a bad score. what do you think should i or shouldn't i? off topic how do you get a sign on when you post a comment? thanks!
I'll answer the first question.. It's a rental.. I rented it, and got pretty far through, and I must say though fun, it is repetitive.. But like I said, it remained fun the whole time, there was just nothing new as you progressed to keep me going...
I got it new. The controls are cool and its fun at times but seems rushed. The production values are of Dreamcast standard nearly. Its ok but I wouldn't pay more than £15 for it, personally I'm considering trading it in. These controls in something like Rogue Squadron would be great really.
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