HELP Me??!?!??!?

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#1 iceswift
Member since 2007 • 98 Posts

It has come to my attention that nintendo clearly does not have the same gaming philosophy as me:

"The first question I would ask is whether the service is fun if you're 5 or 95, if you're tech-savvy and if you're computer illiterate. If that's not a hurdle we can get past, it's not something Nintendo is going to pursue." -SI

I really want to enjoy my wii, but this philosphy basically means no COD4 type games for wii in the future, nintendo is just trying to maximize profits, and it has occured to me "wanna play cod4" sounds much cooler and funner than lets play "wii sports", id be made a fool if i said that among my friends, and as far as expanding the gamer fan base, no one i know objects to playing games and its not like we should start a cult to recruit ppl, If expanding the audience means making more better games for my mom who will at most only ever semi enjoy games in done with Nintendo.

SI: One where I can still be smiling come 2009. I sure hope I won't be crying!

DO THEY JUST WANT MONEY!??!?!? sounds like it, im deeply considering getting a 360 single handedly because of this interview.

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#2 samiup
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welcome to the club...

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#3 Wintry_Flutist
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"The first question I would ask is whether the service is fun if you're 5 or 95, if you're tech-savvy and if you're computer illiterate. If that's not a hurdle we can get past, it's not something Nintendo is going to pursue." -SI

Wouldn't this mean Nintendo wants to offer everything, including "COD4 type games"?

Anyway, if you want to enjoy the Wii but aren't, look for another console.

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#4 iceswift
Member since 2007 • 98 Posts
cod 4 will never be for wii because it's not suitable for 5-95 year olds, only a more narrow spectrum
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#6 ag1052
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You are correct to say that they have a different philosophy... some systems are going down the same path video games have always traveled... they are appealing to the same groups of people they have alway appealed to, they are making the same types of games that they have always made, and they are making the same improvments each generation that is to be expected. Nintendo is breaking off from that. Their philosophy is different then the rest of the industry's its started with the DS. They havent forgotten the core demograhpic, there still are shooters and other games that you would expect a video game system to have, but it isnt 90% video games for the 18-24 year old male croud like some other systems. Nintendo has decided to take video games in a different direction and many of us love it... I for one have had systems my whole life but didnt get any console last gen because they were all the same as the gen before it. If you dont like the new Nintendo philosophy that is fine, there are many gamers who would rather things stay as they were, you have other systems that can meet your needs. But dont say "DO THEY JUST WANT MONEY???" because all the companies just want money, there is no other driving force behind microsoft or sony, they all just have different game plans for getting it.
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#7 Jakendo
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Wait till Jasonguy gets here...

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#8 Wintry_Flutist
Member since 2005 • 14834 Posts

cod 4 will never be for wii because it's not suitable for 5-95 year olds, only a more narrow spectrumiceswift

Man, that was dumb. :|

The game library is supposed to feature games for 5-95 yo, not every game. Or else, Nintendo would forbid games like Red Steel, Manhunt 2, No More Heroes, Scarface, Godfather...

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#9 deactivated-62cbf5c22ef38
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of course they want money... I really do not get this kind of post/thread.. What are you going to tell me taht if you had a million company you would not like to grown more and be teh best one and earn a LOT of money???

Is bussiness...

We, gamers, just enjoy that someone is doing this bussiness....

I do not have a phylosophy about games, I just play the games I like from the console I can have...

Am I the only one that think this way... bc I have run into so many thread about N/sony/micro wants money, they just make decition that make them rich, they do not care about the feelings of the gamers... and on and on...

They try to "care about feelings" but is not bc they love us, is bc costumer happy = money

imo of course :P

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Member since 2005 • 417 Posts

Jaysonguy, I summon you!

Seriously once third-party support floods over to Wii this year and next you will be buying one back and claiming you supported it the whole time.

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#11 pikma
Member since 2004 • 483 Posts

Wait till Jasonguy gets here...



It's about time!
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#12 aransom
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Nintendo's not holding a gun to your head. If you don't like the games they make, don't buy them. It looks to me, like they're doing something right.
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#13 PyroPice
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Who is this mysters jasonguy


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#14 dirtymurdy123
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everyone says to just get another system but the wii is all most people can why doesnt nintendo and their developers just step up and give us what we want
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#15 aransom
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everyone says to just get another system but the wii is all most people can why doesnt nintendo and their developers just step up and give us what we wantdirtymurdy123
What are you talking about? If you're in such bad shape that you can't afford to spend $400 on a 360, then you probably shouldn't be spending $250 on a Wii.
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#16 Nerd_Man
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Oh Call of Duty 4 can always come on to the Wii.. It's not Nintendo's choice, though, it's the 3rd-party developer's choice, and with that said, I don't ever see COD4 coming to the Wii. COD4 is just too much for the Wii, and if it were to ever show up anyways, it would be a really downgraded version.

Also, about caring about money in Nintendo, and you think Sony and Microsoft don't care about money? That's ridiculous. Of course companies care about money and moving foward. It's a little something call "business." In order for a business to survive, it needs money. They give us the games, we give them the money and they'll keep the company alive... Everyone's happy.

Now back with COD4... Get a Xbox 360 or PS3 or something. No need to rag on Nintendo for not having such a game on the Wii.

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#17 dirtymurdy123
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i only gey 300 spent on me during christmas....that puts me in wii range but not 360 or ps3 range
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#18 bob_newman
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You're afraid of what your friends will say?

How insecure are you? No, seriously, I want to know.

Choosing a console has nothing to do with how "cool" you are. Whether you have a PS3, 360 or a Wii, you're still playing games.

I'm sorry, but if you can't stand up for yourself and enjoy something fun, then I feel really bad for you. How sad.

I hope you'll learn to be yourself one day. I really do.

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#19 ThePlothole
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Of course they want money. That's what EVERY COMPANY wants! Do you honestly believe Sony or Microsoft became the multi-billion dollar, mutli-national corporations they are today by trying to appease everyone? No, they did it by pursuing audiences that they believed they'd most profit from.

Now that said, Nintendo speaks for Nintendo. It's essentially up to the third parties to decide what games they believe they can profit from on the system (again, it's always about the green). At least a few publishers believe their more involved titles will work, hence Fatal Frame 4 and Monster Hunter 3 (among others) not only being made available for the Wii, but EXCLUSIVE to it.

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#20 Jaysonguy
Member since 2006 • 39454 Posts

Oh I was going to avoid this topic.

Usually when I see a topic like this it's something like "I'm going to sell my Wii" or "What game should I choose?" sadly it's the first.

"The first question I would ask is whether the service is fun if you're 5 or 95, if you're tech-savvy and if you're computer illiterate. If that's not a hurdle we can get past, it's not something Nintendo is going to pursue."

So why is it that you're keen on discrimination?

Do you repeatedly hand your your grandmother the controller from COD4 and then cackle in delight as she clumsily tries to play the game? Or is it that you've seen games that advertised for the novice gamer thinking that they're really hardcore in depth gaming adventures and 10 minutes into the game you cry out "I was foiled again!"?

What is it with the need to not have the games you like played by anyone else?

Ok, know your FAVORITE game in the entire world? That one game that you spend HOURS playing so you know every single in and out of the game? You are so HARDCORE when it comes to that game.

Someone is playing that game right now, they suck and they fail a lot but it's still their favorite.

I'll wait while you go destroy the game disk.

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#21 JordanElek
Member since 2002 • 18564 Posts
It has come to my attention that nintendo clearly does not have the same gaming philosophy as me:

"The first question I would ask is whether the service is fun if you're 5 or 95, if you're tech-savvy and if you're computer illiterate. If that's not a hurdle we can get past, it's not something Nintendo is going to pursue." -SI

...this philosphy basically means no COD4 type games for wii in the futureiceswift

I think you're misinterpreting his statement. First of all, you have to put it in context. He's talking specifically about an online social service using Miis. That's what the "service" in the first sentence of your quote is referring to. He's not really talking about games (in the traditional sense) at all.

But if you still want to pursue this, notice the "if" at the beginning of his last sentence. He's implying that it is possible to jump those hurdles, but if they can't figure out a way to do it, then they won't waste the effort. His idea is that if they can't create an online social service (like Second Life or HOME) that can appeal to all ages and all levels of technical understanding, then they're not going to do it. Again, he's not talking about a single game; he's talking about developing something like a new channel that offers social interaction via Miis.

Judging from first-party efforts, you can't apply this philosophy to every individual game that Nintendo has produced, as others have said. Super Smash Bros., as Iwata himself mentions, isn't a broadly appealing title. It's directed at a specific group of gamers. On the other hand, the concept behind Wii Fit incorporates this philosophy perfectly, since it can appeal to all ages regardless of their technical knowledge of games.

You could say that this is just one of Nintendo's philosophies, even though it probably is the most prominent. But you can't use it to say that a game in the same vein as Call of Duty 4 simply can't be made for the Wii. Third-parties certainly don't share Nintendo's philosophy through and through, and that's who will produce the type of game you're looking for, not Nintendo.