First of all, this isnt a cheap shot. I dont see how its "sad and pathetic" to call out a developer when they say one thing and do another - ie talk about bringing hardcore content to the Wii, make a bland uninspired shooter and then go back to licensed content. It doesnt say much about their confidence in their product.
Whatever anyone says, High Voltage have never made any memorable games, they have made rushed licensed crap and a few downloadable games that didnt exactly set the world on fire either. The reason they are still afloat is because they havent done any internally funded games yet, bar The Conduit, and that hasnt released. Who knows what will happen to HVS if their baby flops drastically in sales ala Lair or Haze.
For those saying they have to make money, well yeah. They should do that by making good games. I know its tragic developers like Factor 5 and Free Radical have collapsed, but they made crap games for expensive to develop for systems. HVS is not in that position. Either way, I would never WANT developers to push out turds in order to make money - thats always been the problem with gaming. You cannot ever justify shovelware just because HVS promised you something they may or may not deliver on.
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