I have always detested Hidden Machine moves since Pokemon Blue. I mean sure now these days in Pokemon versions Dmd/Prl/Plm the majority of them are good moves to utilize such as Waterfall(the only water type move dealing a good 80 points of damage on one opponent with a 100% accuracy that I know of), Rock Smash (lowers defenses). But the fact that you have to waste your time to go to some old farts house to delete them to teach new moves is such aheadache. The creators of Pokemon should list them as natural abilities, much like how all Pokemon have special abilities (Chimchar has Blaze, Piplup has Torrent and so forth). I mean come on, its a given that a Pidgeot or Staraptor can fly you to another city and that a Blastoise or Gyarados can surf you to another city or area. A Hitmonchan and Medicham can smash rocks out of your way and a Snorlax or Ursaring can sure as hell use their strength to moves boulders. These HMs are the mostinconvenient moves and are a complete waste of space!!!!
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