How often do you play your Wii let alone, other consoles? How many games have/will you purchase? How often do you purchase games?
I often find myself talking, thinking about,and reading up on Nintendo's latest news and marketing (I'm sure most of you do too). We've all heard about/talked about the great "Casual/Hardcore" debate, and I honestly and firmly support it. I believe that my views are a little "easier" on the eyes though when it comes to the topic at hand. Here's the definition of both, let's take a look.
Casual- a person who might've bought the Wii because of word of mouth, and has only boughten a few games since it's launch. When you do game, it's not as often as you would like, and you don't plan on buying many more games. Maybe you bought the system just for the VC! In Nintendo's eyes, you're not a dependable consumer (my definition does not sterotype people to the genre/type of games you play).
Hardcore- I would consider a hardcore player or hobbiest a dependable consumer. You play, and buy many games frequently. You own another, if not all three systems (or PC), and play games more than anything else. Nintendo would consider you a dependable consumer (again, the genre/type of game does not matter here).
To me, there is a difference between the two, whether everyone wants to hear about it or not. I'm not creating this thread to spark debate, but it is welcomed if desired. All I'm asking is "How do you fit into Nintendo's grand scheme of things?" Again, what I mean by this is basically, how often do you game and are you dependable (as a consumer)? I'm not talking about if you play games like Wii Sports on a regular basis, or if you're a die-hard mature Ninja Gaiden fan. (please re-read my definitions above if you're still confused)
Even though I visit this site quite often, I would honestly have to say that I would consider myself as a casual player. Not because I want to be, but because of manyfactors. Job, school, budget, social life, etc. And, just to let you all know as further evidence, I'm actually going to school for game design, and I honestly want to know if there are other people that visit this site, that are like me. There's nothing wrong with being a casual gamer, so don't be ashamed!
so.... Do you game casually (not as a hobby), or would you consider yourself as a hardcore (hobbiest)?
(EDIT, forgot to add)
I honestly think this is what Nintendo's goal is to achieve in figuring out. Yes, the titles that they sometimes release (Wii series) are very casual/limited experiences, and don't offer deep gameplay.... but if I'm correct in my thoughts on how they view consumers, it doesn't need to be if you only play once a week (thinking from a consumers situation, like mine). Don't get me wrong, I like a deep experience just like any other player does, but sometimes... I have a hard time sticking with a game if I don't have the time.
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