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This is the point where Im startin to get sick of pokemon, the same damn adventure formula over and over and over again.
Theres around 500 pokemon now.... and sooner or later theyre gonna be unoriginal. Its only a matter of time before Snorlax has an evolve form named Comatose.
When you say 4th do you mean because of the handheld?
I think it can go on forever.
There's always going to be that one kid who wakes up one morning wanting to be a Pokemon trainer and he or she is going to need someone to guide them.
What makes the Pokemon games so amazing is that the core of the franchise is so strong. It's a bedrock of solid gaming so really anything you add to it will work.
It's one of those "forever" titles. There's always going to be someone new to Pokemon who will love it and there's just enough added each time around that keeps the longtime fan coming back for more.
I know VGCats is a really bad webcomic, but they actually had relevant social commentary in one of their strips: "All the legendaries nowadays are basically just robots with stripes and spikes on them!" After Platinum, Pokemon will go the way of... Metal Gear Solid, maybe?caninexrs
so true.
i also think/hope pokemon should die soon. I mean like, completely end the show.
The show started in what.. 1996? most of us were age 5-10 at the time and that was the peak of our childhood. thats when the games first came to the GameBoy and also the awesome lineup of trading cards we all had to buy.
when I meet someone who was born in '93 or later, they have no idea what Pokemon is (or only know about diamond and pearl) and I just feel like facepalming myself in dissapointment.
These games will never end, unfortunetly. Everytime i turn around it seems like theres a new pokemon game on the market! What is it now, like pokemon team red or somtin? whats that like control the pokemon now?
Nintendo needs to shut down pokemon. Its just making the little ones more addicted to their video games and such.
Nintendo needs to shut down pokemon. Its just making the little ones more addicted to their video games and such.
which is why they do it ;)
[QUOTE="caninexrs"]I know VGCats is a really bad webcomic, but they actually had relevant social commentary in one of their strips: "All the legendaries nowadays are basically just robots with stripes and spikes on them!" After Platinum, Pokemon will go the way of... Metal Gear Solid, maybe?summer_star17x
so true.
i also think/hope pokemon should die soon. I mean like, completely end the show.
The show started in what.. 1996? most of us were age 5-10 at the time and that was the peak of our childhood. thats when the games first came to the GameBoy and also the awesome lineup of trading cards we all had to buy.
when I meet someone who was born in '93 or later, they have no idea what Pokemon is (or only know about diamond and pearl) and I just feel like facepalming myself in dissapointment.
I don't understand
Because you watched/played it as a kid no one else should have the opportunity to play the game?
You would think that just not buying the game or watching the show would suffice in this situation, why is there a need to stop it altogether?
theres always gunna be little kids, ergo there will always be pokemon.
nintendo doesnt care what the growing individual thinks. theyre not gunna change their target market to follow a specific age group. Nintendo would be making games tailoring to 30-40 year olds by now. :S
This is the point where Im startin to get sick of pokemon, the same damn adventure formula over and over and over again.
Theres around 500 pokemon now.... and sooner or later theyre gonna be unoriginal. Its only a matter of time before Snorlax has an evolve form named Comatose.
I think that ship sailed quite a while ago.
I really got tired of the same ol' rehashed formula,so I haven't played a Pokemon game in a while.I might just buy one of the newer Pokemon games to see where Pokemon currently is,and that'll be it.
hi my name is Eric and im doing my first post , and i think that pokemon can go to the 6th generation
i love pokemon games, but the new pokemons are getting uglier and uglier. they should have a classic edition with the 150 original pokemonsgamer_sammy
They do, they're called Fire Red and Leaf Green for the GBA. Anyways, I would like to see a Pokemon MMORPG. I would have to say it would be awesome to go around, catch my pokemon, and battle against real people, who are trying to catch pokemon in the same place's I am.
I would like to see a Pokemon MMORPG. I would have to say it would be awesome to go around, catch my pokemon, and battle against real people, who are trying to catch pokemon in the same place's I am.BlueTsujin
Actually i think i've heard of something like that. i was browsing the web for some awesome mass multiplayer games and came across this site with loads on it. i cant remember wat site it was but anyway i saw this game called pokemon online or sumthin and it was just like the other pokemon games but online. MMORPG style. i didnt get it cus it would hav killed another portion of my whithering social life. but i'll see if i can find the site again. just for all u guys!
if they made a pokemon mmorpg game everone whould buy it
one thing i think they should change is the battling
it is alot of luck you should be able to control and battle the pokemon
First of all, welcome to the forum
As far as controlling the Pokemon themselves that wouldn't really fit with the whole concept of the game.
The trainer commands the Pokemon so there's always going to be some "imaginary" lag between actions. If the game had you fight as the Pokemon then that wouldn't be a traditional Pokemon game, it would just be a monster fighter.
They've tried games where you actually are the Pokemon and they don't go over as well. They sell but there's a "this isn't quite right" feeling when you play it.
Everyone who plays Pokemon loves to catch a certain Pokemon, they don't love to be that Pokemon.
I stopped at silver/gold. It just got kind of ridiculous after that.
The blue/red versions were perfect though. I still play through them every once in a while. I would a whole lot more except the caves annoy me, where you run into a pokemon every 5 steps.
It also seems like they are reaching and trying too hard to make new pokemon. Like that one with a plus on it's head, named plussel... lame...
pokemon will continue until the japanese language runs out of characters to name them.Lynx777
i think english names are gunna run out first. they're just gunna hav pokemon with names like 'pengwin' and 'catt' and 'magical lava guy' i feel as if they are going to start fusing pokemon or sumthin soon. dunno why but, i just hav a feeling...
I stopped at silver/gold. It just got kind of ridiculous after that.
I agree
I also agree that the japanese will run out becuz the names will get longer haha.
Anyways as for pokemon, it's going to live on just like all of Nintendo's money-making franchises. As for revisions, i would 3-D would be a good idea if executed correctly. Also no more pokemon at the moment. Focus on gameplay and the story. There needs to be a story to give the game more flav. Need to balance evenness and revise EV's training concept. Also buff up the difficulty. and create a whole new pokemon world, akin to how johto-kanto is cool .
The only other idea on the other end of the spectrum is a classical old-school approach. Akin, to Mega Man 9 is being handled. Bring back old school graphics and pokemon (heck give the 3rd & 4th generation pokemon old sprites). Just make a whole new game but with the old-school touch. (the only problem with this is that it will bring hardcore fans)
They need to stop making new Pokemon. The first 251 were the best because they were created almost exclusively by Ken Sugimori.ECG_24
That doesn't make sense though
In the Pokemon world all their animals are Pokemon. Look how that differs from our world
We have over a million different species in our world, it's actually closer to 1.5 million. Not only that but as detection becomes more and more advanced it's nothing special to find thousands of new species a week.
So when Pokemon is now nearing 500 Pokemon that's nothing compared to real life, they can keep adding literally a million more and it would still fall into the "acceptable" range.
As far as what they look like that's not really important either.
There's a lizard, toad, and spider. None look like the "normal" ones we deal with but they're 100% authentic animals. Now if they were cartoon images someone would say they were made up.
There is an endless supply of animal ideas just from what we deal with in real life.
Pokemon was created as a gaming way to discover and catch new animals the same way kids scour the woods, swamps, and even their own backwards looking for new insects and other animals. Pokemon does a pretty good job of bringing that to the handheld in game form.
[QUOTE="ECG_24"]They need to stop making new Pokemon. The first 251 were the best because they were created almost exclusively by Ken Sugimori.Jaysonguy
That doesn't make sense though
In the Pokemon world all their animals are Pokemon. Look how that differs from our world
We have over a million different species in our world, it's actually closer to 1.5 million. Not only that but as detection becomes more and more advanced it's nothing special to find thousands of new species a week.
So when Pokemon is now nearing 500 Pokemon that's nothing compared to real life, they can keep adding literally a million more and it would still fall into the "acceptable" range.
As far as what they look like that's not really important either.
There's a lizard, toad, and spider. None look like the "normal" ones we deal with but they're 100% authentic animals. Now if they were cartoon images someone would say they were made up.
There is an endless supply of animal ideas just from what we deal with in real life.
Pokemon was created as a gaming way to discover and catch new animals the same way kids scour the woods, swamps, and even their own backwards looking for new insects and other animals. Pokemon does a pretty good job of bringing that to the handheld in game form.
Pokemon is not real life and Pokemon are not animals.The game doesn't need a realistic number of creatures to work.
This is the point where Im startin to get sick of pokemon, the same damn adventure formula over and over and over again.
Theres around 500 pokemon now.... and sooner or later theyre gonna be unoriginal. Its only a matter of time before Snorlax has an evolve form named Comatose.
off topic, but lmao
Pokemon is not real life and Pokemon are not animals.The game doesn't need a realistic number of creatures to work.ECG_24
actually, in the pokemon world, pokemon are animals. think about it. there aren't any flies or dogs or birds running around just the pokemon frolicking in the tall grass. the only difference is that we cant make animals battle or capture them out of the wild, thats called poaching. BUT! there are enough pokemon right now and no more need to be made until some changes are made to gameplay.
Forever, as long as they spice things up. As the it's first iteration on the DS, it was a little lack luster, but the online stuff made up for it. In a perfect world, I think that as an RPG they they should add ACTUAL side quests to the game. Hell, take them from the show, I don't care. Just give me more junk to do after I'm the champion other than EV level crap monsters I'll never use.
In a perfect world I want an uber Pokemon game. This probably won't happen until the next Nintendo handheld where the game cart/disc is able to hold loads more memory. I believe that making more Pokemon that people won't care about (1st and 2nd is where it's at, the rest is crap) is just as bad as flipping Choo Cobo games. They need to merg all lands from all pokemon games. You are given the choice to start off in one region and can't travel to the others until you are the champion of where you started.
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