Im not trying to bash the wii but out of concern for us nintendo fans how much longer are we going to be stuck with the flood of ports and recycled games? I mean we have wiiplay games like pikmin and mario tennis soon to hit shelves, And to be honest games like RE4 and the twilkight princess arent all that different from this wii play idea. On top of that im playing games like mario kart wii and animal crossing and seeing some new stuff but nothing all that new. Now I know u need to stick to the sucessful formula but I was honestly expecting more from animal crossing wii and mario kart SSBB. It just leads me to wonder what nintedo is going to do later this gen when every last gen game has been made wiiplay or even what they plan to do next gen? I mean I dont want to see a port from 2 gens ago being played off as a new title and full priced game. Anyways on a lighter note I hope nintendo pushes more in the innovative direction of super mario galaxy for all our sakes.
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