I can't believe nobody's thought of this yet. It's so obvious and so simple. All they have to do is put one of the following words or phrases on the box:
Trainer, My _____ (eg, Sims, First , Personal something), Party, Game, Active, Sports, Wii (or, if legal rights get in the way, We), Fitness or Sonic. Putting a "Z" at the end of a word where it does not belong seems to help as well.
Sometimes it even works to put a random group of those words together, Like Game Party, or here's one I invented: My Personal Sports Game Trainer: We Party with the Stars in an Active Fitness Game, featuring Sonic...z?
Then they just need to put pictures of idiots having fun on the box, or throw a bunch of random toys or sports equipment on there and they're set.
You know what's brilliant about this? It doesn't even matter if the game has nothing to do with what's on the box. It could have a picture of a monkey throwing a bowling ball at a laughing family while they're all holding Wiimotes, but when they open it up it's Madworld. They will pick up the game, expecting some crappy game, and instead they'll get a good game and they'll be like "Wow, games can be good?"
You know what else is brilliant about it? Nintendo's been talking about bridging the gap between new gamers and old, well here you go. Trick the "casuals" into buying good games. There's your bridge!
There. The Wii is saved.
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