This is to let everyone know that according to Famitsu, Hyrule Warrior meet sales expectations in Japan, while exceeding them overseas.
This well means that a possible sequel will be in development soon.
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This is to let everyone know that according to Famitsu, Hyrule Warrior meet sales expectations in Japan, while exceeding them overseas.
This well means that a possible sequel will be in development soon.
Good to hear. Not sure where this should lead to next for Nintendo. I've definitely thought of other licenses that might be interesting to get a mousu treatment from Koei Tecmo. For instance I was watching early trailers for Space Marines and thought the game would have probably had a better approach going for a cross between a mousu melee and a shooter. And that's what the trailers at times kind of looked like when you consider it's not representative of the final game in the slightest. Given the games were supposed to center around large battlefields with hordes of enemies, games in the past like Dawn of War have centered gameplay around control points just like mousu games do, and the games and universe has various factions to have multiple campaigns for, also very mousu centric of a design. The weapons and player classes and stats would leave a lot for upgrading and grinding, very much like what was done in Hyrule Warriors; even to a great scale than other mousu games I've played which limit leveling and stats very early. Granted, I realize that's just fool-hearted as there's no market for a game like that with a Japanese audience, and the license seems to be rather cursed or at least to prospective publishers very iffy. But, I think if the series attempted Koei Tecmo mousu treatment and actually had a decent budget and time they could accomplish something surprisingly good.
Please don't support bad games people.
I've had plenty of fun playing Hyrule Warriors. It's a fun game. Besides, not like the pickings on titles for the Wii U have been robust, that alone should be reason enough to get it, but even if that weren't the case I'd still argue it's a fun game worth playing. It's not just a mousu with LoZ skin, I mean it is in ways but it still very much captures the essence and spirit of the LoZ series. I realize people will off the bat begrudge the game on their feelings of mousu titles in general. But as far as the genre goes I feel this is by far very accessible and enjoyable.
Only regret regarding it is that it came out so close to Bayonetta 2, so I've put playing Hyrule Warriors on pause for the time being, and not sure when I'll get back to it as the Bayonetta games have lots and lots of replay value. Between Hyrule Warriors and Bayonetta, there never really seems to be a point you're done there's so much to do. It's going to make juggling play them quite a task.
Good to hear. Not sure where this should lead to next for Nintendo. I've definitely thought of other licenses that might be interesting to get a mousu treatment from Koei Tecmo. For instance I was watching early trailers for Space Marines and thought the game would have probably had a better approach going for a cross between a mousu melee and a shooter. And that's what the trailers at times kind of looked like when you consider it's not representative of the final game in the slightest. Given the games were supposed to center around large battlefields with hordes of enemies, games in the past like Dawn of War have centered gameplay around control points just like mousu games do, and the games and universe has various factions to have multiple campaigns for, also very mousu centric of a design. The weapons and player classes and stats would leave a lot for upgrading and grinding, very much like what was done in Hyrule Warriors; even to a great scale than other mousu games I've played which limit leveling and stats very early. Granted, I realize that's just fool-hearted as there's no market for a game like that with a Japanese audience, and the license seems to be rather cursed or at least to prospective publishers very iffy. But, I think if the series attempted Koei Tecmo mousu treatment and actually had a decent budget and time they could accomplish something surprisingly good.
Please don't support bad games people.
I've had plenty of fun playing Hyrule Warriors. It's a fun game. Besides, not like the pickings on titles for the Wii U have been robust, that alone should be reason enough to get it, but even if that weren't the case I'd still argue it's a fun game worth playing. It's not just a mousu with LoZ skin, I mean it is in ways but it still very much captures the essence and spirit of the LoZ series. I realize people will off the bat begrudge the game on their feelings of mousu titles in general. But as far as the genre goes I feel this is by far very accessible and enjoyable.
Only regret regarding it is that it came out so close to Bayonetta 2, so I've put playing Hyrule Warriors on pause for the time being, and not sure when I'll get back to it as the Bayonetta games have lots and lots of replay value. Between Hyrule Warriors and Bayonetta, there never really seems to be a point you're done there's so much to do. It's going to make juggling play them quite a task.
Dynasty Warriors 2-4 were cool for the time, but those were old PS2 games. Now we're like 20+ games later and two generations later and they still look and play the same. It's a franchise that hasn't evolved at all. Slapping a Zelda, Gundam or One Piece skin on the game doesn't make it better. A lot of people like to give Call of Duty shit for never changing, Dynasty Warriors is like 3x worse. Instead of making crap hack and slash games, they should be making more Dynasty Tactics games. Those strategy games were way cooler then anything koei made in the last decade.
Good to hear. The game is actually really fun. Good action, fun moves, lots of missions/exploration within the battles. HW has definitely turned me on to the genre, I just haven't played a ton of the game. I actually picked up Samurai Warriors 4 because I've liked HW so much.
I am surprised!
The game is better than I expected. It's nothing special, but it is a silly and mindless brand of fun.
I did not think it would sell as well as Nintendo was expecting it to, though. After all, it's a game that belongs to a very restricted niche. I guess the Zelda brand just erased that narrow appeal.
This is a great game, cool concept, and I'm glad it's selling well. I've only dabbled in one or two DW games, so I'm not tired of the formula at all. The Zelda skin helps in that not everyone is interested in feudal Japan. So even though I enjoyed the little bit of the DW games I've played, the subject material was just not interesting to me.
I'd love a sequel with online co-op and more maps. And I'd certainly want to see them branch out to other franchises, Metroid especially.
For a fan-service game it seems to be doing surprisingly well but it makes me wonder if the sales happened because the game offers quality or the time when it was released w/o any heavy hitters?
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