which system should i get here are my pros and cons for each one
pros -ZELDA!my favorite franchise, cheapish i could afford one right now, has better games right now imo, and nintendos games usualy have more replay value than MS or sony
cons-not awsome graphics(which arent all that important), might be like the GC was to me after i played the handful of awsome games i wanted to play i completly lost intrest in it(but dont get me wrong i played the hell outta those games)
pros-playstation always has way more better/good games imo, games will be beautiful once developers get used to new technology, i will marry it, cover it in stickersand cherish it the rest of my life like my ps2
cons-i think the game library sucks right now and wont get better for awhile, insanely expensive and im not sure if im willing to spend that kind of money for a system even though im addicted to video games gf and my band come first, im not sure if the ps3 will even be a succsessful system im pretty sure it will be but im not willing to put 600 dollars on it.
pros- halo &fable thats it but they are the gods of video games fable was my favorite game of all time im dieing to play fable 2 but i dont want to spend 400 bucks to play it
cons-again i think it might be like the GC was to me handful of games i wana play then il toss it in the closet and neven see it again, i dont play online so xbox live does nottin for me
and lastly i came to the wii board cause fanboys are annoying they wont pick the best system for me theyl say get there favorite system and it seems most fanboys are either for sony or ms. nintendo just seems to be the system of choice for all the sane gamers who are nice enough to help someone out and dont have to tie themselves down to a certian system and be loyal to it. so which should i get right now? im sure i will eventualy get another but probly not for a few years.
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