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Spaz. Haha just kidding. ;)
My brother said that at first when he was trying my copy of SMG, he got used to it.
Sucks to be you then.
I remember not being able to play alot of early first person shooters like Wolfenstein and the first Doom and games like that. I guess the extreme level of pixelization would give me instant motion sickness. I grew out of that as graphics improved, but obviouxsly for you, it has nothing to do with pixelization as was the case for me years ago.
Is the disorientation caused by the physics/gravity in the game? When Mariocan walk off the edge and walk on the bottom of the floor and the camera swivels around quickly? The best I can suggest is to play in small doses or watch other people play it and hopefully your brain will gradually adjust and not make you disoriented any more.
How in the world am I to play that game without getting dizzy and throwing up. I can't even get past the first level. Help Me!pplufthesun
I know its cool and really usefull if You have a long day of school ahead of You
To much champagne last night? I havn't played it long enough to get that problem but when i watch someone play Soul Calibur Legends i want throw up :)
Takao Shimizu, the producer of Mario Galaxy, actually suffers from motion sickness. Reducing the causes of motion sickness in Galaxy was apparently a conscious part of the development process. Shimizu acted as a "motion sickness sensor" for the development team; any time he saw a part that made him feel queazy, he'd tell his team to fix it. But sometimes Miyamoto would overrule and tell them to make the camera angles "more extravagant" for a better overall effect.
So blame Miyamoto for your sickness. :P
I can't see how people can get motion sickness when there is no motion. It's just a picture on screen with changing frames that makes the picture to appear to move. People usually get motion sickness when in motion - like on a plane, off roading, etc. SonicWind
i agree its wierd
If you get sick playing SMG, why did you give Shadow of the Colosus a 10 rating. WHen your holding on to the giants your always swaying back and forth at extreme speeds at high elevations. Would you get sick looking at that? Mario's WEAK compared to that.Black747
Haha, I fell off a chair once playing Shadow...
I had a little adjusting to do when first playing SMG, but I was able to get over it pretty quickly.
If the physics and gravity in Galaxy causes you problems, it would best not to play the game. Read the game's instruction manual as it may deal with your problem.
I onced played Galaxy for nearly ten hours straight and I did not experience any motion sickness. However, the 3D spherical worlds and bizzare gravity took some time to get use to.
Never had that problem with SMG... But I understand your problem, as I've gotten motion sick in the past with a few games. Most recently for me was Half Life 2 for the Orange Box, but I wouldn't say anywhere near as bad as your state.I can play Portal and Team Fortress 2 perfectly fine for some reason...
it's a good thing it's nearly impossible for me to feel sick to my stomache. i think i'd have to be dangled off a sky scraper to get sick.
never had any problems playing games. not even portal bothered me. i was like, "what, it's a portal. here, watch me fly sideways from the ceiling."
motion sickness... well, that sucks... i'm not sure what you can do about it...
i hear a lot of Japanese people experience the same while playing first person shooters.. that's why they don't play them much...
good luck with that..
my dad has motion sickness really bad. if he scrolls up a website on the internet too fast, he gets dizzy. rewinding video tapes does it, too. we were watching home videos from 35 years ago (yes they had video cameras back then, no sound though) and he had to take medicine (dramamine) just so he wouldn't get dizzy from the person who shot the video's unstable hand. he hasn't played SMG but when he saw me play it, i told him to watch out.
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