OMG, this game really is awful. :lol:
I got my wii back in the first march after it's launch (07?) and of course, I got it with LoZ:TP. But, I wanted to try out the wii's only FPS (at the time) despite bad reviews. And, it was ok. I enjoyed it.
The game went back to blockbuster that same week back in march 07 and I've since then played MP3 and MoH:H2.
I just today bought red steel from gamestop for $15. And man o man, it's like night and day. Really, nothing in red steel is done right or well. The sensitivity is way off, the pointer flickers, the dead zone is freaking huge, physics suck, hit detection is too lose, and the button layout and waggle layout really is crap. I guess it was the nostalgia of playing my first wii FPS, but I don't really remember it being quite this bad.
Red steel 2 better step up, because there's good concept here, it just needs ubisoft to take it's time.
:lol:, okay, your right, that will never happen.
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