Been thinking about selling my Wii (thinking, but it probably won't happen). Not going to go into detail as to why.
But I just wanted to know the opinions of you folk who were unfortunate to never get their hands on a Wii. Like I said, I'm thinking about selling mine but I didn't know the fair price I should push for one, so I need your opinions! :)
I was talking to a store clerk at EB Games the other day. I told him that I was thinking about selling my Wii and he asked what I had along with the Wii system. I told him, I had Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, WarioWare and Super Paper Mario. Also, I have a controller/nunchuck obviously along with a neat messenger bag. He said I had a good chance of getting $400 off of it because the games I had were popular titles.
I was thinking about putting it up on Ebay and selling it for 300 to 400, somewhere in there. I need at least $300 but that's only as a last resourt. I'm gunna try and push as high as I can. I guess what I'm trying to ask is, would you buy the Wii for $400? I didn't know, so I'm asking now (edit: This, $400 package obviously including the games and controller and case).
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