ok when i was playing the conduit, i ran into this guy called A$$kickawillkillu. it was team reaper, he was on the other team. i saw him in the hallways of pentagon and tried to shoot him but he wouldnt die. he just stood and stared. so i stopped, turned and walked away, when i was far enough i ran. he followd. so i just crouched and looked down to admit defeat and accept what he planend to do. but then he nodded and hopped. i did the same. INSANT FRIENDSHIP. we hung out in the halls, and when an enemy came by, i killed him, and i realized that he could kill his own teamates. so we did that for a while. then next match he hacked us into a debug room. its really cool to fight in there. we teamed up whether we were on different teams or not. so all hackers arnt buttholes. i miss him.
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