If memory serves me right (and I'm sure it does) all the games you listed that were badly received were if fact well received (mostly). There are always games that many love that some also hate, and if a sequel isn't the same as its predecessor then some people are going to bash it. It is normally the ones that don't like a game (especially a game that is radically different from its predecessor) that shout the loudest.
Super Mario Bros. 2 sold 10 million copies and was the 3rd highest-selling game on the NES, if that means it wasn't well recieved then I'm at a loss as to what would mean it was well recieved.
The only reason people say Zelda II wasn't well recieved is because it was completely different from the first Zelda and a lot of people didn't want the change. It did sell over 4 million copies and even though it wasn't as well reseived as the first, was still loved by many.
Super Mario Sunshine... what can I say... it had mixed reactions. The people that bash the game only did so because it, like the others on the list, was so different from its predecessor that they wanted to find things wrong with it. For instance calling the backpack a "gimmic" when the game was based around it and all its functions, if that's a gimmic then any game that trys somthing new is just a "gimmic" (I hate that word :evil: ).
Why you put Majora's Mask on the list is beyond me, if anything it was recieved just as well (if not more so) than Ocarina of Time. If anything Wind Waker was the worst recieved out of those 3 games (because of the Cel Shaded graphics and the sailing).
As I have said afew times, the main reason sequels aren't as well recieved as their predessors is because of how different they are from them. People don't like change, and because Nintendo change so much from game to game you get a small amout of people bash those games just because they are so different from the game they love.
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