DSi games mean they either use the camera or the media player or the improved hardware or the improved WiFi
Fixed. Well, part of it anyway. Jayson do you really expect Nintendo to not make some compelling DSi only games after making wave after wave of good DSiware (ArtStyle series, Mario vs DK, Flipnote, etc) and why even let anyone make DSi only games, why make the DSi at all if they're not going to use anything but the camera?
Don't you think theres something else to it? I mean this 3rd party, making Monster Finder (no screens just artwork BTW) is making the first jump we know of, why?
They aren't stupid. They know there are 100 million customers they will exclude and only 7 million DSi customers currently. So why do it if its just a DS with a camera? Unless either A- The DSi dev kit is too far advanced (hardware-wise) to port down to DS lite or they just don't want to take the time, or B-it really uses the camera in a great exclusive way
Honeslty, the only reason you'd ignore the 100 million DS owners for DSi only is for the hardware, the DSi's improved hardware can handle the Camera, if the DS Lite could they would've just made a DSi with a 67Mhz CPU and 4MB of RAM, but guess what they didnt. They need the more power to use the camera in game.
So this dev took the DSi dev kit (which is entirely separate from the Lites of course) and can't get a DS lite to run the game without serious compromises, that has to be the reason to exclude 100 million customers.
And that has me excited, coz i can't wait to see DSi games that are 3D adventure, Platformes, RPGs, etc that don't use the camera and see what the hardware adds. Even if its just more players online, better physics, better graphics, whatever it may be.
I can't imagine Nintendo won't make something killer on it at retail, that'd be plain stupid. If they want to, this thing will keep printing money and be anothe 100 million seller in a few years if they really want to. (I'm not saying it will, but Nintendo can basically do anything they want in handhelds, including making userbases for consoles at whim due to their greatness at making good titles appealing to everyone and good marketing)
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