I hate this type of stuff. Making such a big deal about getting the console is the day Nintendo and their fans sold out. Well, selling your Wii U for a Switch is also pretty bad, especially if the person selling their Wii U is the person who told me that it isn't about graphics, and that I'm lame for wanting PC cause I want more functionality and capabilities (cause selling your Wii U to get Switch is the same as me buying a new graphics card).
The worst example, that dude who is waiting in line at Nintendo Store for 30 days to buy a Switch, and everyone so focused on that purchase itself. I feel the video games themselves have taken a back seat in terms of importance, and since Switch hardware is so much more innovative than their software, it seems like people are buying it for the hardware and not the software (which can be a bad combination, cause if you have hardware that could potentially do a dozen things, but Nintendo just makes traditional console games, people might get upset). Why is it the worst, back to that dude waiting in line, he doesn't care about being the first one to play Switch, no he wants to be the first one to buy one. It's not just his fault, cause we gamers have all given him the idea that we will be more impressed by him being first to buy it, over him being first to play it, and most would probably agree.
If I was Nintendo, I would make a huge deal about this, and have him open the very first Switch in the store before anyone else gets one, and have him plug in Zelda and show him being first to play Zelda. Then have the Nintendo Minute couple film and do a video with him, about being the first one to play Zelda. Cause if everyone blows this up just for the purchase, I feel Nintendo should jump aboard and control the situation/use it to their benefit, and prove to us that its about the games, not fancy hardware that you can put inside plastic boxes.
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