For SNES Mario Circuit 3 I managed to get to number 1 on the list! The best time for North and South America!!! Man! That was really hard, it was a big challenge and a big accomplishment for me! The downside is that Nintendo doesn't even care! I didn't get an email from them saying "Congradulations!" or anything! What kinda sucks is I can't download my own ghost (I'd like to) because a hacker made a ghost which I downloaded with a better time than me (which Nintendo took off, now I'm number 1) so when I click on my name that says regional champion, it goes to the hacker's ghost because my Wii system still thinks it has a better time even though it was taken off! :(. I wonder who my next challenger is!! Ghost races are fun I enourage everyone to try 1 couse over and over again and watch the replays until you get it perfected and get in the regionals because it's possible! I hope to one day get in the worldwide rankings!
Everyone download my ghost and support your fellow gamespot competitor! If anyone else is in the regionals (or woldwide) rankings for any level please tell me also!
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