[QUOTE="mstc_Q"] [QUOTE="ZumaJones07"][QUOTE="mstc_Q"]I can think of a whole bunch of creative game designs just off the top of my headSerraph105
name a few... I'm interestedI'm sure you haven't played a Wii game and thought "Oh, they could totally use this for this, or that for that, in a game that lasts longer than 5 minutes, and it woudl be amazing"
What needs to happen is they need to have companies like Capcom and Konami and maybe even square to make some real epics that aren't afraid to break the formula. (And not just remakes of old epics using the Wii controls either, as much as I look forward to Okami since I still haven't had a chance to try that game.)
The trouble so far is that Nintendo has been putting out thier obligatory franchises that haven't broken the formula since 3-D gaming was invented. I know that's moving based off the idea of "If it's not broke, don't fix it", but I think it's about time they innovate something else, I mean they invented the dang system after all.
I fear it's going to be another year of them coughing up thier samies though before we get to that.
thats all well and good now go ahead name those things he asked you to originally
Other games have the innovation, but they aren't real games. They are more like "Tech Demos".
Like Wii Sports, lets take that baseball bat and slam it against the head of some zombie.
Or take the Knife in Resident Evil 4 - that was an intuitive edition to the game even though it may have reduced the challenge a bit since it was a homing attack. Now that you have the knife on motion control, use the L button for something else, like a secondary weapon. In speaking of which, you could use the motion sensor on the Nunchuck to throw a grenade.
Then there was that one Konami game, the one where you used electricity to lift things up, like telekenesis. They kinda have the idea in Boom Blox, but lets put it in a real game. Take an action game for instance, you're in the fray, and your fighting in a dirt feild, point the Wiimote at the dirt, push a button to pick up a fist full, and then throw it in the enemy's eyes. You're in a castle and something takes a swing at you, grab that vase next to you and use it to block an attack, or just chuck it at thier face.
Like I said, everything that has even the slightest innovation is just a game that centers itself on that one gimmick. Implement them and make a real game out of them, something like Metal Gear solid, something like Zelda, those games have been screaming for more interaction, but what do we get? Waggle your controller to spin, or swing your sword when the B button works exactly the same. Now, push the A button to swing your sword at enemies to fend them off while you use the Wiimote to aim your hookshot? That's more like it!
And what happened to the whole flashlight thing they showed in the Wii demo thing? Heck, I heard you could use the Wiimote's sensors to duck behind your couch and play a real duck and cover shooting game; implement THAT into MGS (Granted, you could probably just put your hand in front of your wiimote, but the option is at least there.)
Make something new! Something no one has ever heard of before! Make a new story, use the Wii controls, make it impossible to put on any other system. Then I'll be impressed.
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