I mean the game is kick ass and all but..the online sux really bad and its been too long since there last reply about trying to fix the online it's been about 2-3 months and they haven't done a thing about it or to help it
its so lame that they did this. How do you mess up this bad? People within atari knew of this problem and they just let it happen. Its not like this glitch just appeared.
Its times like this that make me wish Nintendo charged for playing games online because that way they would be so much better. If there was more profit in them there would be more effort to make it good and have dedicated servers and such. There would also be more remification if online play was so horrible as it is right now for DBZ: BT3. I am glad GS is holding off on reviewing this game until its fixed because I already know they are gonna underrate it as it is.
Yeah this is one game i was looking forward to but won't get until this online thing is fixed. I already have 2 so i don't wanna just play the single player game again. I want some online action dam it.
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