Meh, im a big Metroid fan and LOVED Other M...people will complain about it, i thought it was very well done. The only complaints is when the user has to point out stuff during the cutscenes...those were brutal.
Exactly this. Sometimes I took more than 10 minutes looking for stuff. Fortunately there aren't too many of those. I think maybe 4 or 5. The games action kicks though, the story was good but could have been told better, music was good enough. I don't remember it being much like the other titles but it was atmospheric and made certain areas feel good. Its a great game, very linear though. Also be sure to look online for the game ending glitch. I got lucky avoiding it so you should look online and be sure to avoid it. The controls are awkward at first since you use the Wii remote sideways but that becomes 2nd nature really fast. If it is too small for you I recommend looking for the B.O.S.S. case for the remote since it is both a protective shield and a controller extension. It makes the controller bulky and it has a set of D-pad, and all buttons on it. I'll link you here:
I have one, very worth it.
Ugh I actually got stuck on a CUTSCENE and dropped the game for a while. >.>;
What were they thinking?
Same!!! I went back and started playing it...got stuck outside the snow mountain. I sort of remembers where i needed to focus, but apperantly im wrong and it doesnt exist there. Once im done Zelda ill go back and figure it out, but ya they're brutal.
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