Is my pokemon team good?

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#1 bigpython
Member since 2010 • 29 Posts

Hey everyone. I'm relativly new to this vompetitive battling, and i would like your advice for my pkmn platinum team is. well, here it is:

EDIT: i've given torterra and salamence a life orb, and i've substituted spiritombs toxic with will-o-wisp, and i gave gyarados leftovers.

EDITx2: i've replaced charizard with the flygon gamedude suggested, thanks:)


Nature: adamant

Moves: Aqua tail, dragon dance, ice fang, earthquake

item: focus sash

EVs: 252 attack, 252 speed, 4 sp. defense


nature: relaxed

moves: toxic, iron defense, stone edge, metal burst

item: leftovers

EVs: 252 defense, 252 HP, 2 attack


dragon rush,fire fang,dragon dance,aqua tail

Nature: adamant

Item: life orb

EVs 252 attack, 252 speed, 4 sp. defense


moves: earthquake, wood hammer, rock polish, stone edge

Item: life orb

Nature: impish

EVs: 252 attack, 252 speed, 4 defence


moves: dragon claw, earthquake, stone edge, crunch

Item: choice band

nature: jolly

EVs: 252 attack, 252 speed, 4 sp. defense


moves: shadow ball, hidden power fighting, confuse ray, will-o-wisp

Nature: calm

Item: leftovers

EVs: 252 sp. defense, 252 sp. attack, 2 HP

well? is it good?

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#2 alexh_99
Member since 2007 • 5378 Posts

couple things

1.) get rid of charizard. Infernape is better

2.) if you still want charizard then at least get rid of solar beam and sunny day. Give him nasty plot/ grass knot instead

3.) too many left overs

4.) i would use gengar instead of spiritomb.

5.) Ev's and natures are good.

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#3 the_wet_mop
Member since 2006 • 7518 Posts

Hey everyone. I'm relativly new to this vompetitive battling, and i would like your advice for my pkmn platinum team is. well, here it is:


Nature: adamant

Moves: Aqua tail, dragon dance, ice fang, earthquake

item: focus sash change this. gyara almost never goes down in 1 hit (except to electric attacks) the presence of stealh rock means your sash will almost always be broken before it gets a chance to be useful. this one actually should have leftovers on it

EVs: 252 attack, 252 speed, 4 sp. defense


nature: relaxed

moves: toxic, iron defense, stone edge, metal burst

item: leftovers

EVs: 252 defense, 252 HP, 2 attack

looks good as a physical wall


dragon rush,fire fang,dragon dance,aqua tail

dragon rush has 75% accuracy, so i'de go with either dragon claw, or outrage, but thats just me

Nature: adamant

Item: enigma berry

this is useless. salamance isn't going to be taking any ice hits anyway, so it won't get a chance to heal him. I reccomend lifeorb.

EVs 252 attack, 252 speed, 4 sp. defense


moves: earthquake, wood hammer, rock polish, stone edge

Item: salac berry

moveset is good, not sure about the item. most pokemon that use pinch berries have some method (substitute) of making sure they hit that mark without dieing.lifeorb works well here too.

Nature: impish

EVs: 252 attack, 252 speed, 4 defence


moves: flamethrower, sunny day, solarbeam, substitute

as the above poster said, infernape does this job much better, and nastyplot is more effective than sunny day. if you do plan on using it, use it early or prepare to get murdered by stealthrock. the other option is to add a rapid spinner to your team.

Item: leftovers

nature: modest

EVs: 252 sp. attack, 252 speed, 4 sp. defense


moves: shadow ball, hidden power fighting, confuse ray, toxic

IMO, hypnosis is more effective than confuse ray or toxic. will-o-wisp is also a good option here, as it allows him to take on physical attackers more easily.

Nature: calm

Item: leftovers(yeah i like them:P)

EVs: 252 sp. defense, 252 sp. attack, 2 HP

well? is it good?

final comment: you NEED a rapid spinner. with gyarados, salamence, and charizard all being weak to stealthrock, your opponent simply has to create switches until they're worn down.


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#4 Hegna1
Member since 2007 • 6118 Posts

couple things

1.) get rid of charizard. Infernape is better

2.) if you still want charizard then at least get rid of solar beam and sunny day. Give him nasty plot/ grass knot instead

3.) too many left overs

4.) i would use gengar instead of spiritomb.

5.) Ev's and natures are good.

Charizard and Ape are completely different. They do not fill the same gap. Charizard doesn't have access to Nasty plot or Grass Knot. Do some research. The number of leftovers doesn't matter, it's the fact that Charizard's using it. Gengar and Spiritomb are completely different. You're trying to switch apples with oranges. They're both fruit, but they're different at the same time. A generic 252/252 doesn't make a good EV spread, plus he has many places where he can get at least 1 more stat point, which is occasionally useful. @OP I want descriptions of roles. Seems like Scarf Latias tears this team to shreds. Nothing you have can really beat it, except for possibly spiritomb. Plus they don't even have to K.O. with latias, it just has to come in and threaten a K.O. forcing a swap, making your very SR weak team take more damage. Plus since you have no SR it's getting easy swap-ins. Also Aggron NEEDS Head Smash (using HG/SS to get it). Even then it's not amazing, but without it Aggron is complete trash. Finally Enigma berry in general is junk, especially on Mence.
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#5 alexh_99
Member since 2007 • 5378 Posts


couple things

1.) get rid of charizard. Infernape is better

2.) if you still want charizard then at least get rid of solar beam and sunny day. Give him nasty plot/ grass knot instead

3.) too many left overs

4.) i would use gengar instead of spiritomb.

5.) Ev's and natures are good.


Charizard and Ape are completely different. They do not fill the same gap. Charizard doesn't have access to Nasty plot or Grass Knot. Do some research. The number of leftovers doesn't matter, it's the fact that Charizard's using it. Gengar and Spiritomb are completely different. You're trying to switch apples with oranges. They're both fruit, but they're different at the same time. A generic 252/252 doesn't make a good EV spread, plus he has many places where he can get at least 1 more stat point, which is occasionally useful.

mixed up infernapes and charizards moves.

and infernape is better. He needs a special sweeper on his team, and charizard does not fill that out as well as infernape does.

if you are battling competively then there is normally an item clause, so having three leftovers is not going to help him

and to be honest, i just looked what the EV's got up, like speed and attack, and made sure that the pokemon should have those. I didn't calculate them to make sure that they added up to 510

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#6 Hegna1
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Infernape does not replace Charizard... They're different. Charizard is actually more useful against Latias, which kills this whole team. Infernape doesn't stand a chance as Latias is one of the biggest Infernape Counters. Granted they both don't help the team at all, and should be swapped for a latias counter of some sort, such as Tyranitar (doesn't help as his team hates sandstorm as well) or Scizor (recommended here). Heck, Vap or Blissey would work there too, but neither of Infernape or Charizard actually helps the team at all. I know you think you're an amazing help, but honestly, you aren't really looking at it the right way. Charizard's Dragon Pulse can at least dent Latias, Infernape's best option is U-turn, which fails to OHKO, and makes him swap in one of his other Latias weak pokemon, as his whole team is taken down by it (well ape's knocked silly too). Basically Infernape royally screws over the team, but Charizard's not that great there either. Take Scizor, Vap, or Blissey to stop Latias from owning the whole team. Item clause is not standard at all. Many top teams end up with 4 or 5 lefties just because of the style of play. That's not ideal EV spreads then, you're just looking up basic 252/252 stuff, which tends to be outclassed, especially when putting EVs in speed, as extra points can give you no useful outspeeds and be completely useless.
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#7 bigpython
Member since 2010 • 29 Posts

hey guys thanks for the help. i've given life orb to both salamence and torterra.

and to the guy recommending infernape...he's just too fragile... sorry....

and to the guy saying will-o-wisp to spiritomb, i already have toxic...

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#8 Hegna1
Member since 2007 • 6118 Posts
It's still latias weak. You need a counter, plus WoW is actually worth considering over toxic because it lowers your opponent's attack.
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#9 bigpython
Member since 2010 • 29 Posts

It's still latias weak. You need a counter, plus WoW is actually worth considering over toxic because it lowers your opponent's attack.Hegna1

well, wouldn't spiritomb take down latias? and i can see WoW with my spiritomb.... ok i'll change that right now, i've got the TM.

i'll edit my OP

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#10 gamedude234
Member since 2009 • 2558 Posts

a good team. i would put flygon there instead of charizard:


moves: dragon claw, earthquake, stone edge, crunch

nature: jolly

EVs: 252 speed, 252 attack, 4 sp. defense.

item: choice band.

this is an excellent sweeper.

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#11 Hegna1
Member since 2007 • 6118 Posts

[QUOTE="Hegna1"]It's still latias weak. You need a counter, plus WoW is actually worth considering over toxic because it lowers your opponent's attack.bigpython

well, wouldn't spiritomb take down latias? and i can see WoW with my spiritomb.... ok i'll change that right now, i've got the TM.

i'll edit my OP

Spiritomb takes a minimum of 57.4% from Scarf latias' Draco Meteor. That means a minimum of 98.6% damage against it in two hits after Stealth Rock. Spiritomb is 2HKOed by Draco Meteor too, so no, it doesn't counter latias at all. The best thing to take Draco Meteor would be aggron, but even with its resist it takes at least 40%, and many latias carry surf as well, so it's screwed. All your team except Aggron is OHKOed or 2HKOed by latias' Draco Meteor. All the opponent has to do is set up Rocks with anything, and when it faints they swap in Latias, which usually would use D Meteor on the first shot. Whatever you swap in takes massive damage, and if it's not Aggron, Latias will just DMeteor again and K.O it. They swap out to get their Sp.A back, might even take out something else, then eventually Latias is back in. Now it DMeteors again, and even if you've gotten aggron into both DMeteors, and they both did minimum damage it's now dead because rocks dealt 12.5 % in its two swap-ins, and DMeteor would deal at least 90% in such a scenario. Now with aggron gone, nothing resists DMeteor and they just swap latias in and out K.Oing something and leaving. You need a proper latias counter, and you better keep it alive until you're sure your opponent's latias is dead, or that they don't have one.

a good team. i would put flygon there instead of charizard:


moves: dragon claw, earthquake, stone edge, crunch

nature: jolly

EVs: 252 speed, 252 attack, 4 sp. defense.

item: choice band.

this is an excellent sweeper.

You aren't helping. Flygon also gets OHKOed by scarf latias.
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#12 gamedude234
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well, wouldn't spiritomb take down latias? and i can see WoW with my spiritomb.... ok i'll change that right now, i've got the TM.

i'll edit my OP


Spiritomb takes a minimum of 57.4% from Scarf latias' Draco Meteor. That means a minimum of 98.6% damage against it in two hits after Stealth Rock. Spiritomb is 2HKOed by Draco Meteor too, so no, it doesn't counter latias at all. The best thing to take Draco Meteor would be aggron, but even with its resist it takes at least 40%, and many latias carry surf as well, so it's screwed. All your team except Aggron is OHKOed or 2HKOed by latias' Draco Meteor. All the opponent has to do is set up Rocks with anything, and when it faints they swap in Latias, which usually would use D Meteor on the first shot. Whatever you swap in takes massive damage, and if it's not Aggron, Latias will just DMeteor again and K.O it. They swap out to get their Sp.A back, might even take out something else, then eventually Latias is back in. Now it DMeteors again, and even if you've gotten aggron into both DMeteors, and they both did minimum damage it's now dead because rocks dealt 12.5 % in its two swap-ins, and DMeteor would deal at least 90% in such a scenario. Now with aggron gone, nothing resists DMeteor and they just swap latias in and out K.Oing something and leaving. You need a proper latias counter, and you better keep it alive until you're sure your opponent's latias is dead, or that they don't have one.

1. well,Dmeteor gets weaker andweaker. aggroncan resist it and damage it, and spiritomb could then finish her off. you said, aggron would resist many DMs. but you said surf would kill him. well if the latias has a choice scarf, i rather doubt she could use moves am i right?

3. who would be silly enogh to lock DM with choice scarf?theres probably only 1 person out there. take a chance

a good team. i would put flygon there instead of charizard:


moves: dragon claw, earthquake, stone edge, crunch

nature: jolly

EVs: 252 speed, 252 attack, 4 sp. defense.

item: choice band.

this is an excellent sweeper.


You aren't helping. Flygon also gets OHKOed by scarf latias.

if DM is weaken.....and i don't think TC would put in flygon againdt latias, now would he?

really TC just change charizard with the flygon i said, and your only threat is latias, though she is VERY rarely used, especially like that.

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#13 Hegna1
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[QUOTE="Hegna1"]Spiritomb takes a minimum of 57.4% from Scarf latias' Draco Meteor. That means a minimum of 98.6% damage against it in two hits after Stealth Rock. Spiritomb is 2HKOed by Draco Meteor too, so no, it doesn't counter latias at all. The best thing to take Draco Meteor would be aggron, but even with its resist it takes at least 40%, and many latias carry surf as well, so it's screwed. All your team except Aggron is OHKOed or 2HKOed by latias' Draco Meteor. All the opponent has to do is set up Rocks with anything, and when it faints they swap in Latias, which usually would use D Meteor on the first shot. Whatever you swap in takes massive damage, and if it's not Aggron, Latias will just DMeteor again and K.O it. They swap out to get their Sp.A back, might even take out something else, then eventually Latias is back in. Now it DMeteors again, and even if you've gotten aggron into both DMeteors, and they both did minimum damage it's now dead because rocks dealt 12.5 % in its two swap-ins, and DMeteor would deal at least 90% in such a scenario. Now with aggron gone, nothing resists DMeteor and they just swap latias in and out K.Oing something and leaving. You need a proper latias counter, and you better keep it alive until you're sure your opponent's latias is dead, or that they don't have one.

1. well,Dmeteor gets weaker andweaker. aggroncan resist it and damage it, and spiritomb could then finish her off. you said, aggron would resist many DMs. but you said surf would kill him. well if the latias has a choice scarf, i rather doubt she could use moves am i right?

3. who would be silly enogh to lock DM with choice scarf?theres probably only 1 person out there. take a chance You aren't helping. Flygon also gets OHKOed by scarf latias.gamedude234

if DM is weaken.....and i don't think TC would put in flygon againdt latias, now would he?

really TC just change charizard with the flygon i said, and your only threat is latias, though she is VERY rarely used, especially like that.

Latias is in the top 10 most used Pokemon, and scarf is definitely one of the most common sets. You're being in idiot, he has no choice but to send in flygon when latias is killing his whole team, plus any latias set would take down the flygon, so it doesn't need to be scarf. CM, Specs, or even dual screener kills the flygon, and the whole team has enough trouble with latias anyway.

to your points:

1. It's called switching, some people can actually play intelligently enough to switch when needed.

2. Aggron can take 2 DMs at most it doesn't matter in the end, the whole team's still latias weak, since aggron can't kill latias. Plus the latias obviously has team support, even if it comes in later and locks itself into surf it can just swap out and Dmeteor the next thing later. SWITCHING EXISTS FOR A REASON.

3. DM's one of the easiest move to be choice locked into. No matter what swaps in it's taking massive damage. Even resisted, DMeteor can easily deal huge sums of damage. You obviously aren't a competitive player, when you're assuming people wouldn't use D Meteor with latias.

On a side note: Everything, save Aggron is 2HKOed by DMeteor COUNTING the Sp.A drop (since ~57 * 1.5 + 12.5 = ~98, which is full power DM, half power DM, Stealth Rock), so yes, I am counting the fact that Draco Meteor lowers Sp.A. I know how to do my calculations correctly.

EDIT: Just removing chain quotes to save people's eyes.

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#14 nintendo-4life
Member since 2004 • 18281 Posts
DM? sweepers? spinners? scarf latias? wow i have been gone a long time :?
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#15 the_wet_mop
Member since 2006 • 7518 Posts

DM? sweepers? spinners? scarf latias? wow i have been gone a long time :?nintendo-4life

more likely you were never part of the competitive community to begin with

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#16 SoraX64
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DM? sweepers? spinners? scarf latias? wow i have been gone a long time :?nintendo-4life
Don't worry about it, I'm confused myself. :P I miss the days when everyone just played the games, but now people like to spend countless hours gearing up for competition.
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#17 Hegna1
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People have always played competitively. You just haven't noticed it. Competitive pokemon goes back to the original games, it just had a smaller following and it was harder to get battles together due to lack of wi-fi. Plus all the terms there save sweepers (which should be easy to pick up) are just short forms of in-game stuff. DM is Draco Meteor (attack) Spinners is Pokemon that learn Rapid Spin. Scarf Latias is a Latias holding a Choice Scarf to boost its speed. People saying I miss the days when gaming was simple are just people who didn't notice the competitive community (I'll admit, I didn't play competitive 3rd gen or earlier, but it still existed) and who don't really want it to exist because they can't fit in.
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#18 nintendo-4life
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[QUOTE="nintendo-4life"]DM? sweepers? spinners? scarf latias? wow i have been gone a long time :?the_wet_mop

more likely you were never part of the competitive community to begin with

that is true as well, but what ever happened to water beat fire? :? :P
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#19 nintendo-4life
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[QUOTE="Hegna1"]People have always played competitively. You just haven't noticed it. Competitive pokemon goes back to the original games, it just had a smaller following and it was harder to get battles together due to lack of wi-fi. Plus all the terms there save sweepers (which should be easy to pick up) are just short forms of in-game stuff. DM is Draco Meteor (attack) Spinners is Pokemon that learn Rapid Spin. Scarf Latias is a Latias holding a Choice Scarf to boost its speed. People saying I miss the days when gaming was simple are just people who didn't notice the competitive community (I'll admit, I didn't play competitive 3rd gen or earlier, but it still existed) and who don't really want it to exist because they can't fit in.

yup! My cousin was a pokemaniac. He always got his unique selection of pokemon and he always beat me. Even IF i'm using legendaries....I guess he's using the tactics you guys are talking about now.
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#20 Grandotaku
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What happened to digimon. Now they were cool and they didnt have to remind themselves of there own name 72 bajillion times. Pika pika pika...

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#21 gamedude234
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1. loatias is one of the top ten most used pokemon? sorry, i need a link. legendaries are very difficult to train properly ESPECIALLY legendaries that yo need to import from R/S/E.

2. is it REALLY worth chainging the whole team just for 1 pokemon? lets be realistic here people.

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#22 bigpython
Member since 2010 • 29 Posts

a good team. i would put flygon there instead of charizard:


moves: dragon claw, earthquake, stone edge, crunch

nature: jolly

EVs: 252 speed, 252 attack, 4 sp. defense.

item: choice band.

this is an excellent sweeper.


thanks, beleive it or not, i have a lvl 38 vibrava with the correct nature. i've told my friend, whom i have yet to defeat, that i'll challenge him on monday. i'm sure this flygon will be a great help.

and to Hegna, i appreciate your concern about my team being latias weak, i'll take a chance:P

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#23 bigpython
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[QUOTE="Hegna1"]Spiritomb takes a minimum of 57.4% from Scarf latias' Draco Meteor. That means a minimum of 98.6% damage against it in two hits after Stealth Rock. Spiritomb is 2HKOed by Draco Meteor too, so no, it doesn't counter latias at all. The best thing to take Draco Meteor would be aggron, but even with its resist it takes at least 40%, and many latias carry surf as well, so it's screwed. All your team except Aggron is OHKOed or 2HKOed by latias' Draco Meteor. All the opponent has to do is set up Rocks with anything, and when it faints they swap in Latias, which usually would use D Meteor on the first shot. Whatever you swap in takes massive damage, and if it's not Aggron, Latias will just DMeteor again and K.O it. They swap out to get their Sp.A back, might even take out something else, then eventually Latias is back in. Now it DMeteors again, and even if you've gotten aggron into both DMeteors, and they both did minimum damage it's now dead because rocks dealt 12.5 % in its two swap-ins, and DMeteor would deal at least 90% in such a scenario. Now with aggron gone, nothing resists DMeteor and they just swap latias in and out K.Oing something and leaving. You need a proper latias counter, and you better keep it alive until you're sure your opponent's latias is dead, or that they don't have one.

1. well,Dmeteor gets weaker andweaker. aggroncan resist it and damage it, and spiritomb could then finish her off. you said, aggron would resist many DMs. but you said surf would kill him. well if the latias has a choice scarf, i rather doubt she could use moves am i right?

3. who would be silly enogh to lock DM with choice scarf?theres probably only 1 person out there. take a chance You aren't helping. Flygon also gets OHKOed by scarf latias.Hegna1

if DM is weaken.....and i don't think TC would put in flygon againdt latias, now would he?

really TC just change charizard with the flygon i said, and your only threat is latias, though she is VERY rarely used, especially like that.

Latias is in the top 10 most used Pokemon, and scarf is definitely one of the most common sets. You're being in idiot, he has no choice but to send in flygon when latias is killing his whole team, plus any latias set would take down the flygon, so it doesn't need to be scarf. CM, Specs, or even dual screener kills the flygon, and the whole team has enough trouble with latias anyway.

to your points:

1. It's called switching, some people can actually play intelligently enough to switch when needed.

2. Aggron can take 2 DMs at most it doesn't matter in the end, the whole team's still latias weak, since aggron can't kill latias. Plus the latias obviously has team support, even if it comes in later and locks itself into surf it can just swap out and Dmeteor the next thing later. SWITCHING EXISTS FOR A REASON.

3. DM's one of the easiest move to be choice locked into. No matter what swaps in it's taking massive damage. Even resisted, DMeteor can easily deal huge sums of damage. You obviously aren't a competitive player, when you're assuming people wouldn't use D Meteor with latias.

On a side note: Everything, save Aggron is 2HKOed by DMeteor COUNTING the Sp.A drop (since ~57 * 1.5 + 12.5 = ~98, which is full power DM, half power DM, Stealth Rock), so yes, I am counting the fact that Draco Meteor lowers Sp.A. I know how to do my calculations correctly.

EDIT: Just removing chain quotes to save people's eyes.

gosh you're ruthless aren't you? he's fine, don't worry, i won't get brainwashed by his inferior ways:P

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#24 the_wet_mop
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you could still use a rapid spinner, but at least flygon isnt double weak to SR

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#25 Hegna1
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Yeah, I have a tendency to shoot down anyone who I find is just being stupid about stuff like that. If they don't listen, they get hit harder. And I'm just going after that point because I'm too lazy to search for other problems (one of which mop's hit). Also @ mop, flygon doesn't mind rocks at all, taking a measly 6%, but its typing is the major things going for it. Its base stats are beaten by mence, and the movepool is either slightly better in mence's case or tied.
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#26 the_wet_mop
Member since 2006 • 7518 Posts

Yeah, I have a tendency to shoot down anyone who I find is just being stupid about stuff like that. If they don't listen, they get hit harder. And I'm just going after that point because I'm too lazy to search for other problems (one of which mop's hit). Also @ mop, flygon doesn't mind rocks at all, taking a measly 6%, but its typing is the major things going for it. Its base stats are beaten by mence, and the movepool is either slightly better in mence's case or tied.Hegna1

i know how much rocks do to flygon. what i meant was that flygon isn't the best thing he could have put on his team, but at least it didnt share the same SR weakness that charizard did, this lessening (lowering? decrementing?) his need for a spinner.

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#27 Hegna1
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My bad, misunderstood the comment then. Anyway, probably not going to check back as I'm too lazy to run through a whole threat list in my head. PM me if you want me to give more random rambling advice OP, but I'll probably be ignoring the thread now.
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#28 bigpython
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ok, i'm about to edit my OP. with flygon instead of charizard, but i DO see the need for a spinner. forretress or starmie? starmie could take down latias with ice beam, but forretrss is more resistant.....and which pkmn do i knock out? help me please.

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#29 gamedude234
Member since 2009 • 2558 Posts

forretress is used for 2 things: a wall and a spinner(a wall pkmn being a defensive pkmn)

and since you already have a good wall(aggron) i think starmie is the best try with set:

ice beam

rapid spin



nature: timid or modest

item:life orb

EVs: 252 speed, 252 sp. attack, 6 HP.

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#30 Icare0
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1) Get rid of charizard. Or get a spinner. Or a aerodactyl lead to taunt opponent lead. Most of today metagame is centered in having/not having SR down, and charizard WILL switch in with 50% less hp if you don't do anything about it. Blaze + Subs + Sunny Day is powerful, but you don't have the support to pull it off. And, for this set, spikes support is essential. With 2 layers of spikes, a SR and Petaya Berry, your Fire Blast is able to OHKO a Chansey. Without, you need some way to cripple Special walls. If you really want to use it despite every thing I've said, give it a Petaya Berry, switch-in in something that will be switched off, Substitute, Sunny day, sweep. But then, priority problem ensues.

2) Aggron. I can't see exactly what role it fills in your team, AND it has two x4 common weakness, plus a 60 base Sdef that assures that almost any special Water-type attack will OHKO Aggron outside of sandstorm. However, if it's a important part of some strategy that I couldn't see, it's okay.

Edit: If it's there just because you need a physical wall, what exactly he counters? I would switch it in favor of Forrestress to get Spikes + Rapid Spin.


EV:252 HP / 112 Atk / 144 Def, Relaxed

~ Spikes
~ Rapid Spin
~ Gyro Ball / Payback
~ Earthquake / Explosion

@Shed Shell / Leftovers

Edit2: Spelling, check.

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#31 Itake
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get rid of charizard,take blaziken or infernape

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#32 Darkmatter88
Member since 2009 • 125 Posts

Hey everyone. I'm relativly new to this vompetitive battling, and i would like your advice for my pkmn platinum team is. well, here it is:

EDIT: i've given torterra and salamence a life orb, and i've substituted spiritombs toxic with will-o-wisp, and i gave gyarados leftovers.


Nature: adamant

Moves: Aqua tail, dragon dance, ice fang, earthquake

item: focus sash

EVs: 252 attack, 252 speed, 4 sp. defense


nature: relaxed

moves: toxic, iron defense, stone edge, metal burst

item: leftovers

EVs: 252 defense, 252 HP, 2 attack


dragon rush,fire fang,dragon dance,aqua tail

Nature: adamant

Item: life orb

EVs 252 attack, 252 speed, 4 sp. defense


moves: earthquake, wood hammer, rock polish, stone edge

Item: life orb

Nature: impish

EVs: 252 attack, 252 speed, 4 defence


moves: flamethrower, sunny day, solarbeam, substitute

Item: leftovers

nature: modest

EVs: 252 sp. attack, 252 speed, 4 sp. defense


moves: shadow ball, hidden power fighting, confuse ray, will-o-wisp

Nature: calm

Item: leftovers

EVs: 252 sp. defense, 252 sp. attack, 2 HP

well? is it good?


Hmmm....I would change gyrados' item to life orb, but otherwise his move set seems to be the one suggested on smogon.

Aggron isnt the best choice over all, but if youre looking for a good rock steel combo im not sure theres anything better. id get rid of iron defenseand put in stealth rock

Take salamence's life orb and give him a lum berry and replace dragon rush with outrage

Torterra? Get rid of him if you want a good grass pkmn go with sceptile.

get rid of charizard and put in either infernpe with: mach punch, earthquake, flare blitz, and close combat or typholsion with eruption. FYI sceptile and ty make a really good combo

get rid of spiritomb, hes no very good either. if you want ghost go woth gengar of dusknoir. If you want my suggestion, replace whim with garchomp!

Got that?: gyrados, aggron, salamence, infernape/typholsion, sceptile, gengar /dusknoir/GARCHOMP go with garchomp he ROCKS THE WORLD

if you want more strategy and team suggestions, go to

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#33 baitingSharks
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From what people have told me Garchomp is banned from play, so I doubt that works... Plus I'm pretty spiritomb's neutralness to pursuit's a pretty useful trait for a ghost. I could be wrong, I really only play some friends, but that's what I've seen.
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#34 Icare0
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Hmmm....I would change gyrados' item to life orb, but otherwise his move set seems to be the one suggested on smogon.

Aggron isnt the best choice over all, but if youre looking for a good rock steel combo im not sure theres anything better. id get rid of iron defenseand put in stealth rock

Take salamence's life orb and give him a lum berry and replace dragon rush with outrage

Torterra? Get rid of him if you want a good grass pkmn go with sceptile.

get rid of charizard and put in either infernpe with: mach punch, earthquake, flare blitz, and close combat or typholsion with eruption. FYI sceptile and ty make a really good combo

get rid of spiritomb, hes no very good either. if you want ghost go woth gengar of dusknoir. If you want my suggestion, replace whim with garchomp!

Got that?: gyrados, aggron, salamence, infernape/typholsion, sceptile, gengar /dusknoir/GARCHOMP go with garchomp he ROCKS THE WORLD

if you want more strategy and team suggestions, go to


1) Torterra and Sceptile fill differents roles. Sceptile can be a subseeder, the faster of all, granted, a revenge killer, a physical and special sweeper. But Torterra has the bulk to counter several threats, like Tyranitar, Rhyperior and Gyarados. You can't really compare a sweeper to a tank.

2) Charizard vs Infernape. Again, different roles. Most charizards sets are built to subs/belly drum to activate a berry, then sweep. It's much harder to pull of than a NP/SD -> sweep, but has more power, and has different counters.

3) Sipiritomb has bulk that gengar doesn't have.

4) If you really know, then you should know that Chomp is Uber since the beginning of platinum.

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#35 the_wet_mop
Member since 2006 • 7518 Posts


Hmmm....I would change gyrados' item to life orb, but otherwise his move set seems to be the one suggested on smogon.

Aggron isnt the best choice over all, but if youre looking for a good rock steel combo im not sure theres anything better. id get rid of iron defenseand put in stealth rock

Take salamence's life orb and give him a lum berry and replace dragon rush with outrage

Torterra? Get rid of him if you want a good grass pkmn go with sceptile.

get rid of charizard and put in either infernpe with: mach punch, earthquake, flare blitz, and close combat or typholsion with eruption. FYI sceptile and ty make a really good combo

get rid of spiritomb, hes no very good either. if you want ghost go woth gengar of dusknoir. If you want my suggestion, replace whim with garchomp!

Got that?: gyrados, aggron, salamence, infernape/typholsion, sceptile, gengar /dusknoir/GARCHOMP go with garchomp he ROCKS THE WORLD

if you want more strategy and team suggestions, go to


1) Torterra and Sceptile fill differents roles. Sceptile can be a subseeder, the faster of all, granted, a revenge killer, a physical and special sweeper. But Torterra has the bulk to counter several threats, like Tyranitar, Rhyperior and Gyarados. You can't really compare a sweeper to a tank.

2) Charizard vs Infernape. Again, different roles. Most charizards sets are built to subs/belly drum to activate a berry, then sweep. It's much harder to pull of than a NP/SD -> sweep, but has more power, and has different counters.

3) Sipiritomb has bulk that gengar doesn't have.

4) If you really know, then you should know that Chomp is Uber since the beginning of platinum.

my thoughts exactly, there's too many people in this thread posting bad advice

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#36 bigpython
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#37 Icare0
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A website/forum dedicated to competitive battling. It has pokemon analysis, movesets, guides and lots more. But it's VERY focused in the Shoddy battle metagame, which is a soft used to competitive battling using the PC. It's metagame includes the Rotom Appliances, which changes quite a bit the metagame, and mote stall teams, because of the quick pace of the battle in Shoddy doesn't make a stall battle boring, plus any Hidden Power you want, among others things, so not everything can be used in the wi-fi metagame, but still a very good guide to use. The best, really.

Oh, and it's also the community that defines the rules of competitive battling, what's uber, and what's not, and some others things like that. It's really worth a visit.

Ps.: The forretress set that i suggested came from there too.

Edited to check spelling

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#38 Icare0
Member since 2009 • 409 Posts

Ah, and shoddy has alrealdy updated to HG/SS, so, aggron, for example has Head Smash , which turns it into a BEAST.