There's no doubt that Nintendo is still the best developers in the world. But lately, some of their games were feeling too accessible even in their biggest franchise games. Games like Super Mario Galaxy, Zelda Phantom Hourglass, or New Super Mario Bros. for the DS were all fantastic, yet there was still something missing in them. Although the level of production values and quality has still been among the best, we know that the casual bug did creep in a little. Some of these games felt to easy for more experienced gamers. In other words, they were more accessible, a nicer word for saying "dumbed-down." Doesn't mean they were bad games. Of course not! Super Mario Galaxy is almost tied for the 2nd highest rated game of all-time! But it did feel a bit lacking in the challenge department, am I right?
But I think that's finally changing, which is good for all of us.
We're already seeing this in Nintendo's latest offerings. New Super Mario Bros. Wii is challenging like the Super Mario games of old and rave reviews are claiming that Zelda Spirit Tracks, not only triumphs over Phantom Hourglass in every way, but it also follows the longstanding Zelda tradition with awesome puzzles, amazing boss battles, and a lengthy adventure that is over 25 hours! And last but definitely not least, Miyamoto is assuring us that Super Mario Galaxy 2 will be a challenging game.
So has there been enough outcry from their core-base for Nintendo to make their games less for casuals but more like their past traditional excellence? I think so. It's evident right now!
I think we'll be seeing less of these "My first 'so and so game' experience." And with Metroid the Other M and the next console Zelda coming out I think I can finally say with confidence that Nintendo isn't just thinking about casuals anymore, which I'm feeling very pleased about!
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