Some of us (including myself) have complained that Nintendo's games have become rather, well, easy. We say they cater towards to the casuals, and hey if that's the be it.
I was upset with the difficulty of Twilight Princess, and Mario Galaxy as well. I never understood how people thought these games were hard? I mean seriously, all you do is run and jump (when it comes to Mario), right? A series that anyone can pick up and play! Well I remember hearing that Miyamoto was concerned at one point with the difficulty, before it's release (Mario, just so we're on the same page)
Well, I recently was watching my daughter (7 yrs old), and figured she'd have a blast as well as an easy time playing Mario Galaxy. A rather simple title, to pick up and play.
She actually became frustrated, and didn't want to play anymore because she thought the game was difficult. She's younger, so I figured I would try to have my friend play it as well (24 yrs old). He said the same thing, and didn't want to play.
So..... is Nintendo right? Are games getting too hard (for casual consumers) and causing frustration? I was shocked, and couldn't believe people thought this game was hard. I could understand that the commet missions would be harder, but the normal game? I honestly think that Nintendo has something here.Though, you might not agree... think about if you never play games, or haven't played in 20 years. Games like Mario or even Zelda would most likely be hard for you. My daughter loves Wii Sports, as well as my friend... because of the "hassle free" play.
What do you think about? Do you agree?I think I do.....:?
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