Man, I'm tired of all these rubbish video games coming out for wii. The party games and the spin off games are killing me. And, I think at the top of my list would be the Mario Party series. To some people, the wii is looked at as a casual system for people who like only to play party games. What game do you think people use as a prime example of all the party games on the wii? The answer to your question is Mario Party.
To me, Mario Party is a way for Nintendo to pick up some spare change (during the process of making they're main games, ie: Matroid, Galaxy, TP) from the casuals by putting out these Mario Party games. It really makes me upset playing two great games like Super Paper Mario and Super Mario Galaxy (two great games) and then playing Mario Party 8. They don't realize they're putting their main mascot's name on something so terrible, something that hardcores like me will never want to call a video game. At least, not after the Nintendo 64 console.
It's kind of hard to say, but another problem I was alluding to is that with these games called "Mario Party" it feels like they're tearing Mario reputation down. Some of us know Mario as Mr. Video Game. Yes, he's the one who started it all. He's the one who made what we all have today. Yes, Nintendo great job with your accomplishment, Mario has been great for years and everybody knows him and loves him. And since Mario is so great, why do you bother putting his name on a mediocre game call Mario Party? It really saddens me to see this and, Nintendo, you guys really need to kill this series. Slowly, you're killing the name you've given Mario over the past 22 years. Slowly, you're killing Mr. Video Game.
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