He must be one humble man, and he earns even more respect from me for it. You don't hear of company executives slashing their own salaries. Usually they either get fired or lay off employees. Then again, Japanese companies are managed differently than their Western counterparts. This likely has to do with the Eastern tradition of honor, and Iwata is punishing himself for doing dishonor by rushing the 3DS to market.
And it's not like Iwata, Miyamoto, and Yamauchi are all going to go broke. In the case of the first two, they just won't be making as much money for a while. Yamauchi still has billions more money, and while he took a big hit, it only made a dent in his tough armor. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet took similar hits before.
But, there will still be those fringe fanboys that will take this as a Nintendogeddon and jump ship, despite a island of coins awaiting on the other side of the raging economic sea. You can't tell me that there's no light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps this will help Nintendo make sure the launch of the Wii U will be more successful?
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