i dont know how many times i have to say this, its only 1 months sales,
iwata is over his head if he thinks wii is unhealthy in japan the latest vgchart sales show ps3 slow down in fact it only sold 1000 more ,
add to the fact that wii has 9 million plus sales where ps3 only has just 3million , ,
in japan alone , and dont say ds is dying because last month ds sold more then psp ,
and has been since launch ,
one wii gets punchout among other key nintendo games, japan will get back to normal ,
the reason wii didnt sell in march is either a because whom ever wanted one has already got one ,and b-no key software got out in march so wait , remember wii out sold ps3 like 3 to 1 in the us , and has out sold ps3 else where as well so japan will not help sony,
it could have if it happened all accross the globe even then , wii is considered a success,
it compared to snes n64 and gc, sold more units ,and is still going heck it may pass nes records in my book that speaks louder then words, if sony wanted to carch up to wii, it have to take 3 yrs and by that time im sure wii 2 would be out so it be to late so no wii does not need saving lol
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