I can understand where you might be annoyed by my post, but it's also ignorant to judge my music collection without getting to know me first.
STON3HENGE: "But you felt alright about calling the music "an insult to most of the planet" or some other sweeping statement... ok... seems a BIT two-faced to me, but ok... you might stop to read your posts in the future to see if you're making any grandiose,condemning statements about music that has obviously made it into more than a few 100,000 collections (and usually a lot MORE, judging by the artist list), and that a few people who read these boards might be in that number. I didn't start this negativity, you did with the slam in your original post. Talk about being ignorant of what other people are about before opening you mouth... I'm just sayin'."
I don't think artists such as Daughtry, Smash Mouth, and Maroon 5 have any business being on a Guitar Hero game.
STON3HENGE:"That, I agree with you on... sometimes, the programmers get a synth band in their heads, and there it goes onto the track list. But as a fan of the series, I rebelled against things like "Less Talk More Rokk" and oddball meters like "Yes We Can" (which, by the way, just reminds me of Barak Obama now)... but after wearing holes in the songs I liked, I reverted to playing those "weird" ones that I didn't like, only to find that challenge and such-wise, those tracks became my favorite to PLAY in a game... would I listen to it in the car? No. But in the context of the game some songs take on a new or very different life."
The game is actually very well designed for a DS game, and is impressive in that respect. However, I managed to play through the game in a very short time, and no matter how I try to adjust to the setup, I always get terrible hand cramps when playing.
STON3HENGE:"Glad to hear you gave it a try before passing total judgement... yeah, you're going to find that it's only 25 songs, but it's fitting on that tiny little program card, essentially. The peripheral may add some memory to complete the job but all of the sound quality and graphics, etc. are on that little machine, and that is something to admire on a purely technological level. PSP folks make fun of it because they don't get a copy (JOKE)... but seriously, this is cool, and it's not an alternative for about 99% of the gamers out there to bring a console and full guitar controller on family vacation or outside in the FRESH AIR... heh heh... a good idea for ALL GAMERS..."
I understand how ridiculous my avatar is, but I grew up listening to Vanilla Ice, and I like it. I don't see how I should be taken less seriously than someone with a Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh avatar.
STON3HENGE:"Most of the people in my personal circle would figure that you were using a pic of ol' Van Winkle as some sort of wry social commentary, not as a fan. Sorry I insulted you, but the fans of Maroon 5 probably applauded it... all five or six of 'em (ANOTHER JOKE)."
I'm a nice guy, and you can't always judge someone without getting to know them first. Take care.
STON3HENGE:"And you, my son... go in peace."
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