I lucked onto it so bad. I've been trying to get my hands on one since launch and my vigilance finally paid off. I had found out about a week or two ago that Target consistantly gets shipments of Wii's about every two weeks on Saturday nights. So last week I tried to get one and failed because I had to go to church SUnday morning and couldn't get to Target until about 1:00pm. So I tried again yesterday because I got my parents to let me skip church. I was unsuccessful again because they didn't end up getting any that week. Despairing and dejected I got into my car to go home. As I was about to start my car I looked across the parking lot to a Circuit City that had a line of people standing outside the doors. You can guess what they were waiting for. So I rushed over there and asked them if they were waiting for Wii's. They were, to my overwhelming joy. (Note: I live in Warren, Michigan. Just southwest of Detroit. It was about 35 degrees outside at the time. I left the house at about 7:30 wearing only shorts and flip-flops cause I didn't expect to be outside that long. I had a coat though.) I ended up standing outside for about an hour waitinbg to get a voucher that gaunteed me a Wii when the store opened. You can imagine what that was like in the clothes I was wearing. But man was it worth it!!!! Just in time for Brawl. Talk about waiting to the last second. I really didn't need a Wii before Brawl because my buddy had one and he would let me borrow it whenever a game came out that I wanted to play. I'd just rent it. MP3, SPM, SMG, etc. But since Brawl is online, and the fact I've been waiting for the game for almost a year and a half, I had to get a Wii. Not that I didn't want one before, it's now I needed one.
Well thats my story. I'm so happy about my new Wii and the luck I had in finding one, that I thought I'd share it with you.
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