This all started from the release of Super Mario 64 on the DS. It was a great success, and the DS has come along way since then so surely Nintnedo has the capabilities, knowledge and power to get more 64 titles on the DS. For example, i would pay top price for OOT on Ds or Banjo Kazooie or any others. Nintendo could remake them onto the DS cartridge and they would be gauranteed sales! Who else would love this!
before that happens you need some memory thing....inbuilt or they can use catridges...empty ones for emulated games and when talking about remaking things that wouldnt happen,too costy plus the amount of space sorry
If it was for old original GB games, that would be great. As for games from past home consules, like the NES, SNES, and N64, I think they should best stay on Wii's Virtual Consule. Only old handheld games should be available if the DS started having a virtual consule IMO.
Don`t think the DS has what it takes to software emulate N64 games. SM64 was a port, not an emulated game. There are too many issues with the DS that make this thing quite impossible : controlling schemes (although the analog stick and some buttons could be emulated using the touchscreen, we all know how well that works :(), resolution limitation, memory limitation, processor speed. I have all the admiration for Sony for creating a software emulator for PSX that runs perfectly on the PSP, however, I don`t think a similar thing is doable on the DS.
I think it would be good for Old Gameboy games, Gameboy Color games, Gameboy Advance games, NES, Sega Master System and Atari 7800 games. Of course, there are already devices on the market to allow you to experience if they came up with competitive pricing, it would be a great idea!
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