There isn't any need to make a new topic for this. This belongs in your blog, not taking up space here. But I do hope you enjoy your new DS Lite, I never regretted my upgrade to DS Lite.
There isn't any need to make a new topic for this. This belongs in your blog, not taking up space here. But I do hope you enjoy your new DS Lite, I never regretted my upgrade to DS Lite.bededog
hyeb bededog??!
its the alchemist...Guess what..Im getting a Lite tomorrow so hopefully I wont regret it either! oh and do you have an aim??
[QUOTE="bededog"]There isn't any need to make a new topic for this. This belongs in your blog, not taking up space here. But I do hope you enjoy your new DS Lite, I never regretted my upgrade to DS Lite.nintenboy9128
hyeb bededog??!
its the alchemist...Guess what..Im getting a Lite tomorrow so hopefully I wont regret it either! oh and do you have an aim??
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