After playing and beating (finally), Kid Icarus on the Wii VC, i knew that i was in love. The game was awsome, wicked fun, and one of the best platformers that i have ever played. And the theme and setting, Ancient Greece, is something that isnt seen to often (except for God of War).
I want Nintendo to make a second Kid Icarus game, one for the Wii. With Pit going to be in SSBB, and its success on the VC, I think that it is a definite possibility. I believe that Nintendo needs some different, not neccissarily new, franchises to give us. There is so much potential for Kid Icarus to be a great franchise for Nintendo to ressurect.
What i am asking is, what kind of game would it be. I am picturing an action-adventure platformer, very much like God of War, minus the violence. I think it would be awsome.
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